Mission Earth News

Pacific SRS Gears Up for May 18th and 19th

Students from Earth Team's after school internship program at Antioch High School are collecting Land Classification data at a local restoration site, the Antioch Dunes National Wildlife Refuge.  Working with the Department of Fish and Game, these students are removing invasive tobacco plants and protecting the site's Evening Primrose and Contra Costa Wallflower.  Recently the students performed land cover and other biometry protocols to identify the MUC classification.  Students will compare their results from this unique habitat with similar latitudes across the country.  Earth Team's Sustainable Youth Internship program takes an immersive approach to environmental education, offering yearlong internships to 150 high school students at 10 Title 1 public schools in the San Francisco Bay Area, serving a total student population of 20,000 students.  For more information on Earth Team's Internship Program using GLOBE protocols at Antioch High School go to http://www.earthteam.net/news/antioch-high.


type: globe-news

News origin: WestEd/UC Berkeley
