Research Campaigns

Research Campaigns

Research campaigns provide an opportunity for engaging students and citizens in collecting GLOBE data from their own communities. This data can be very useful to NASA scientists studying large-scale environmental phenomena, in the United States and around the world.

Select the links on the left to learn more about two of GLOBE's current research campaigns. GLOBE Mission EARTH is an active partner in each of these campaigns.

To learn about other research campaigns, click on Other GLOBE Field Measurement Campaigns.

NOTE: the links on the left take you to the main GLOBE website, leaving GLOBE Mission EARTH webpages.

Stuck at home? Collect CLOUDS data with the GLOBE Observer App!

Stuck at home? Collect CLOUDS data with the GLOBE Observer App!

Now is a great time to collect CLOUDS data for GLOBE! 

Download the GLOBE Observer App and go outside and collect clouds data at your location. Upload that data to GLOBE's worldwide database to share your clouds data with NASA and other teachers, students and citizen scientists around the world!


Download the app by searching your App Store for GLOBE Observer.


And learn more about it here:


BONUS! If you collect your clouds data within 15 minutes of a satellite passing over your area, you will get an email comparing the satellite's cloud analysis during that time to your own. Within the app, you can set up reminders to tell you when a satellite is going overhead at your location!

Join the GLOBE Water Bodies Intensive Observation Period (23 March-17 April)

Join the GLOBE Water Bodies Intensive Observation Period (23 March-17 April)

The GLOBE community is leading a “GLOBE Water Bodies Intensive Observation Period” (IOP) from 23 March through 17 April, 2020. All GLOBE countries are invited to join in this data collection and research endeavor. During the IOP, participants will identify a water body close to their schools or towns, and collect and enter data using GLOBE hydrosphere protocol bundles: Water Quality Bundle, Rivers and Lakes Bundle, and Ocean Bundle. 

Schools that participate can earn virtual badges, and have them displayed on their school profile. Regional Coordination Offices will issue a GLOBE certificate of appreciation to each school that participates in the IOP.

To learn more about the IOP, visit their website here: