School Visit Video: Jackman Road Elementary, Bedford, MI

School Visit Video: 

Jackman Road Elementary, Bedford, Michigan

Teacher: Kelly Reeves, 4th Grade

On September 21st, 2018, GLOBE Mission EARTH visited Jackman Road Elementary School in Bedford, Michigan. Kelly Reeves is a 4th Grade Teacher there and was certified in GLOBE by GLOBE Mission EARTH in 2017. In her first year of implementing GLOBE in her classroom, Kelly had 75 students collect clouds and surface temperature data around their school grounds. The students entered their data into the GLOBE database using their GLOBE student accounts Kelly set up for them. In March 2018, her school held the world record on GLOBE for submitting the most clouds and surface temperature data! CONGRATULATIONS to Kelly and all of her students for your contributions to GLOBE!

Check out the video below, and

see the GLOBE school page for Jackman Road Elementary School here: