Webinars 2016-2017 School Year - Mission Earth
Webinars 2016-2017 School Year
Check out the instructional webinars conducted by GLOBE Mission EARTH for the 2016-2017 school year!
Webinar #14 - Observing the Solar Eclipse on August 21, 2017
Published on May 24, 2017
Learn about the solar eclipse occurring on August 21, 2017 from Dr. Michael Cushing, Director of Ritter Planetarium & Brooks Observatory at the University of Toledo. Jill Teige from GLOBE reveals the new GLOBE webpage for the solar eclipse. Sara Mierzwiak from the University of Toledo showcases websites where teachers can find lesson plans on the solar eclipse. Recorded on Wednesday, May 24 at 8:00 pm EDT.
Webinar #13 - Building Career Development Activities into GLOBE
Published on June 1, 2017
How can students’ interests lead to STEM career choices? This webinar will explore and expand student opportunities to integrate personal interests with career explorations at all grade levels.
Webinar #12 - Teachers Sharing their Stories about GLOBE in the Classroom
Published on March 22, 2017
The following GLOBE Mission EARTH teachers shared their stories: Maureen Wickenheiser, St. Patrick Elementary School, Monroe, MI Melody Tsapranis, Navarre Elementary School and Debbie Mille, Waite High Schools, Toledo Public Schools, Toledo, OH Agnes Summerly, Webster Avenue Elementary School and Cheri Cerio, Frank T. Spaziano Elementary School, Providence Schools, RI Meghan Johnston, Skyline High School Green Academy, Oakland, CA Josue Guzman, MetSacramento High School, Sacramento, CA Recorded on 03.22.2017 at 8:00 pm EST.
Webinar #11 - Using GLOBE Data in ArcGIS
Published on March 8, 2017
Are there any other visualization tools your students can use with their GLOBE data? Yes! Sara Mierzwiak demonstrates how to extract GLOBE data from the GLOBE visualization system and import it into ArcGIS Online, where an incredible variety of additional map layers exist to overlay, for free! The focus will be on surface temperature data collected between February 20 and 28, 2017 in the Southeast Michigan/Northwest Ohio region. Grant Wilson provides a general overview of GIS (Geographic Information Systems) and how it’s incredible mapping capabilities can be used in a wide variety of ways. He shows past examples of student research using GIS to illustrate these many uses. Note: Technical issues occur in certain parts of the video. Recorded on 03.08.2017.
Webinar #10 - Using the GLOBE Visualization Tools
Published on February 23, 2017
Your students have entered their data in the GLOBE website and what’s next? With the visualization tools, students can map, graph, filter and export data that have been measured across GLOBE protocols since 1995. Marcy Burns, teacher at Main Street Intermediate School in Norwalk, Ohio, describes how her students use the visualization tools. Dr. Czajkowski demonstrates the use of the tools and describe ways students can visualize their data to answer their research questions.
Webinar #9 - Newly Revised GLOBE Cloud Protocol
Published on February 8, 2017
Dr. Kevin Czajkowski thanks all the students who collected surface temperatures for the Urban Heat Island Effect Campaign. Dr. C introduces Joe Cartensen from Clay High School from Oregon, Ohio and Sarah McCrea from NASA Langley Research Center. Joe provides some helpful hints to teachers on doing the GLOBE Protocols in the classroom. Sarah McCrea presents the new elements of the GLOBE Cloud Protocol and how the data is matched to the NASA satellite missions such as Aqua, Terra, NPP, CALIPSO, CloudSat, and GOES.
Webinar #8 - Getting Elementary Students involved with GLOBE
Published on January 25, 2017
Dr. Kevin Czajkowski informs the group about GLOBE webinars and GLOBE Science Symposia occurring virtually and throughout the United States. Ellen Perkins, teacher from Waterloo Elementary, Monroe, Michigan, describes a GLOBE project on surface temperature and the number of worms in the soil done with kindergarten students. Jessica Taylor from NASA Langley Research Center showcases the GLOBE Elementary Story Books along with the other resources available to teachers. Dr. C provides information about the University of Toledo's Professional Development focusing on Elementary GLOBE taking place from July 10-14 on campus. Dr. C announces an exciting opportunity for schools around Lake Erie. NASA is going to fly an aircraft over Toledo and Lake Erie with a thermal sensor during the week of February 20 to 24, 2017. Dr. C needs your students take surface temperature observations during that week around 3:00 pm or later and enter the data on the GLOBE website. The surface temperature observations taken from the surface will be combined with the aerial data and satellite imagery. Recorded on 01.25.2017.
Webinar #7 - Looking at the Data
Published on December 14, 2016
Kevin Czajkowski looks at the surface temperature submitted to GLOBE for the campaign and thanks the schools/teachers/students who are participating. Susan James talks about her involvement in the surface temperature campaigns. Matt Silberglitt from WestED introduces the rubric used in judging the research projects at the GLOBE Symposiums and the badges students can earn. Jennifer Bourgeault from GLOBE presents information (including the dates) about the GLOBE Regional Science Symposiums.
Webinar #6 - Students Doing the Research for their Research Projects
Published on January 18, 2017
Kevin Czajkowski begins with information on how you can get your students connected to scientists. Mikell Lynne Hedley presents on the types of reputable sources when doing your background research. Rick Sharpe provides examples where his students have used surface temperature data in their research. John Moore describes the GOES-R Mission launched by NASA on Saturday, November 19th. Recorded on 11.30.16 at 8 pm EST.
Webinar #5 - Collecting GLOBE Data
Published on November 9, 2016
Webinar #4 - Developing a Good Research Question
Published on December 14, 2016
Our webinar series shifts its focus to getting your students involved in doing research using the GLOBE data. Matt Silberglitt from WestED defines what is a good research question. Two students from Crestwood High School, Dearborn, MI, discuss how they came up with their research question for their aerosol project. Steve Frantz from Akron City Schools describes opportunities available to students to present their research. Jennifer Bourgeault from GLOBE presents about the GLOBE Virtual Science Symposium.
Webinar #3 - GLOBE Protocol - Aerosols
Published on October 18, 2016
In the third webinar, Dr. Czajkowski tells us about the GLOBE Aerosols Campaign starting on October 11. Diana Johns and her students from Crestwood High School, Dearborn, MI, describe the research they have done on aerosols. David Padgett, one of our co-PIs, presents on a project done by his undergraduate students using the aerosols protocol to study the air quality of a Nashville neighborhood. Our NASA nugget features Jessica Taylor from NASA Langley.
Webinar #2 - Setting up a Hydrology Site
Published on September 28, 2016
In this second webinar, Dr. Kevin Czajkowski sets the stage with an update on the algal blooms occurring in Lake Erie. Sara Mierzwiak reviews how to set up your hydrology site. What does it look like in the classroom? We visit Melody Tsapranis, a Toledo Public Schools teacher, as she implements some of the GLOBE hydrology protocols with her students. Kristen Weaver from NASA Goddard introduces NASA’s Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Mission and connects the some of the GLOBE hydrology protocols to NASA satellite datasets.
Webinar #1 - Establishing Your GLOBE Site
Published on September 15, 2016
In this first webinar produced by GLOBE Mission EARTH, our team is introduced by Dr. Czajkowski at The University of Toledo. Dr. C explains the purpose of the series-to get students involve in doing their own research projects. Sara Mierzwiak shows how you can use Google Earth to view your site. Next, students at a Toledo Public High School and their teacher, Laura Schetter, demonstrates how they established a GLOBE site at their school. Dr. C ends with an explanation on how the satellites view the Earth and gave a preview of the next webinar occurring on September 28. Recorded on 09.14.2016 8:00 pm EDT.