Webinar #6 - Classroom Teachers Sharing - Mission Earth
Webinar #6 - Classroom Teachers Sharing
Published February 7, 2018
In this webinar, classroom teachers share how they implement the GLOBE Program in their schools. Gina Springer and Vicki Willet, teachers from Licking Heights Schools in Licking Height, OH, describe an activity which illustrates how the sun warms the earth for first graders and how they get their students to collect data. Juliet Hamilton, grade 4 GLOBE teacher from Skyridge Elementary in Auburn, CA, talks about how she has implemented GLOBE in her classroom this year. Susan James, Grade 5 teacher from St. Peter Elementary School in Mansfield, OH provides advice in doing GLOBE in an after school science club. Marcy Burns, Grade 5 teacher from Main Street Intermediate School in Norwalk, OH, tells you how she brings the watershed into her classroom and shares resources from NASA wavelength. Steven Frantz, junior high teacher at Jennings Community Learning Center in Akron, OH, shares strategies on older students mentoring younger students and on how he creates excitement within his school about being part of the GLOBE Program. Recorded on 02.06.2018