It was great to see the GLOBE presence at the AMS Annual Meeting in Seattle last week. Monday, the Symposium on Education is focused on K12 initiatives. The morning sessions all focused on GLOBE related activities and projects that included the NASA Mission Earth Project, GOES-R/16, the new Elementary GLOBE Climate book, and the International Virtual Science Fair. The new GLOBE Cloud app was presented in the afternoon. There were several projects presented in the Education Poster session as well. It would be great to see even more presentations of all the innovative and wonderful work that is conducted through out the year by GLOBE teachers and students!
It is great to see the relationships and collaborations building between GLOBE and the AMS. There is now GLOBE representation on the AMS Board on Outreach and Precollege Education, and the Board on Environment and Heath where there are new joint initiatives underway. Dr. John Balbus and I presented a 2-hr session at the Teacher's Workshop on Saturday to local teachers prior to the beginning of the conference on Monday.
Finally, as a reminder to all GLOBE teachers, check out the AMS DataStreme online graduate courses offered: DataStreme Atmosphere, DataStreme Oceans, and Earth's Climate System. More information can be found at or email me at
Building strong content makes you a better teacher, and these courses are offered free thanks to funding sources that include NSF, NASA, NOAA and the US Navy!