GLOBAL Events - NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
18 October GLOBE/Eco-Schools Workshop: “The GLOBE Program and Eco-Schools: Science and Sustainability in School Gardens” (at 46th Annual NAAEE Conference, 18-21 October)
Event Time: 9:30 am - 4:30 pm
Location: San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA (46th Annual NAAEE Conference)
The 46th Annual North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) Conference will be held in San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA from 18-21 October 2017. On 18 October, a full-day workshop “The GLOBE Program and Eco-Schools: Science and Sustainability in School Gardens” will be offered.
During this interactive hands-on workshop, participants will learn about GLOBE science, Eco-Schools sustainability, and NASA resources. Participants will conduct GLOBE field investigations through an exploration of a local Eco-School’s schoolyard habitat and develop an implementation action plan.
The workshop will focus on the following Disciplinary Core Ideas: Weather and climate; Humans impact on Earth systems; Interdependent relationships in ecosystems; Ecosystem dynamics, functioning, and resilience; and Biodiversity and humans, through the integration of science, sustainability, and school-gardens.
Participants will visit a San Juan Eco-School (Escuela Laboratorio CeDin) and see how students use hydroponics, outdoor gardens and water quality studies at an adjacent stream. Participants will also gain access to materials that integrate GLOBE science and Eco-Schools sustainability in real-world, relevant ways for student learning.
The workshop presenters are:
- Kristin Wegner – Project Manager, UCAR/The GLOBE Implementation Office
- Jennifer Hammonds – Senior Manager, K-12 Curriculum and Instruction, National Wildlife Federation
- Jennifer Bourgeault – Leitzel Center GLOBE Partnership at UNH
- Janelle Johnson – STEM Equity Specialist, Metropolitan State University of Denver
This workshop will be conducted from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., and will cost $90 (which will cover lunch and transportation). NOTE: The fee for this workshop is IN ADDITION to the fee to register for the NAAEE Conference.
- To learn more about the workshop, click here!
- To learn more about conference fees (including the “Early Bird” rate good through 31 August), click here.
- To learn more about the NAAEE, click here.
- To learn more about the NAAEE conference, click here.
- To register for the NAAEE Conference, click here!
Events origin: GLOBE Implementation Office