GLOBAL News - NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
GLOBE Clouds Team at NASA Highlights Top 10 Observers for February 2018
Mar 09, 2018
The GLOBE Clouds team at NASA Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia, USA, would like to highlight the top observers for the month of February! Thank you to all observers for submitting your observations and using the satellite matching of data. To learn more, click here.
Also, remember that the NASA GLOBE Clouds: Spring Cloud Observations Data Challenge will begin on 15 March! The top observers will be congratulated by a NASA scientist with a video posted on the NASA GLOBE Clouds website. Click here for more information.
The GLOBE Program, and NASA, would like to thank all observers for submitting your observations and using the satellite matching of data. Check out all of the past NASA GLOBE posts, click here!
type: globe-newsNews origin: GLOBE Implementation Office