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GLOBE Mission EARTH Offers Professional Development Opportunity for Career Tech Teachers: June 11-15 (Toledo, Ohio, USA)

Hand image of SMAP visualization

U.S. Career Tech Teachers (grades 7-12): Join GLOBE Mission EARTH’s STEM Institute this summer (11-15 June) at the University of Toledo (Ohio, USA) and become a GLOBE-trained teacher. Learn how to collect environmental data and produce geographic visualizations. The deadline to apply is 30 April.

Participants will learn how to use an Aeropod attached to a kite in order to capture a variety of atmospheric data and visual imagery. Teachers will receive official certification as a trained GLOBE teacher; free GLOBE-approved testing equipment; information on connecting student data and research with NASA satellite missions; and a $500 stipend (upon completion of the requirements).


  • Complete GLOBE eTraining before attending the summer professional development.
  • Submit your principal’s letter of support.
  • Participate in collecting field observations and submit the data to GLOBE.
  • Participate in teacher and student evaluations.
  • Have students submit research projects.

For more information and to apply, click here ( Space is limited to 15 participants!

Questions: Contact Janet Struble at:

GLOBE Mission EARTH is a collaborative of multiple institutions across the United States formed to increase involvement in The GLOBE Program. The mission is to improve education and involvement in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) by increasing participation of students and citizens in The GLOBE Program. For more information on the GLOBE Mission EARTH campaign, click here

type: globe-news

News origin: GLOBE Implementation Office
