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United States Hosts Successful North American Regional Meeting and Atmosphere Training Workshop in Hampton, Virginia, USA

Photo of participants at the 2019 NARM

The NASA Langley Research Center Partnership hosted the North America Regional Meeting (NARM) and an Atmosphere Professional Learning Workshop, 05-07 March, in Hampton, Virginia, USA. 

On 05 March, NASA Langley led the 05 atmosphere workshop. This workshop provided introductory information, as well as in-depth understanding of atmosphere concepts; specifically focusing on clouds and aerosols, and the relation to NASA’s active Missions studying this area of atmospheric science. Stations during the workshop included: “What are Aerosols?” “How to Use a Sun Photometer,” “How to Use Data to Do Student Research” and “How Researchers Use Your Observations.” The workshop was attended by 39 people, including facilitators.

The NARM began on 06 March with a welcome by Dave Young (Langley Director of Science), Allison Leidner (NASA Program Manager), and GIO Director Dr. Tony Murphy. The meeting was attended by approximately 59 people representing 23 partnerships, as well as the Country Coordinator from Canada, Kevin O’Connor, and affiliated organizations. Jennifer Bourgeault, Dr. Tony Murphy, Jessica Taylor, and Cornell Lewis shared program updates from the perspectives of the United States GLOBE Office, the GLOBE Implementation Office, the Working Groups, and the website.

Lightning talk sessions (a series of six-minute presentations followed by a block of time to speak with the presenters), networking, tours of NASA Langley, and GLOBE observation data collection filled the rest of the two-day meeting with time to network and build collaborative relationships throughout.

The lightning talks covered topics ranging from “Implementing a Statewide Virtual Science Symposium” and “GLOBE Clouds Data Challenges: Updates and Upcoming Opportunities” to “Supporting Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity Through STEM Experiences” and “The GLOBE Observer App: What’s New and What’s Next.”

type: globe-news

News origin: GLOBE Implementation Office
