Events - NASA Langley Research Center
26 September: GLOBE Mission EARTH Webinar: “Urban Heat Island Effect Campaign and Results of the Surface Temperature Changes During the Solar Eclipse”
Event Time: 08 pm - 08:45 pm
Location: Webinar
Register today for the first GLOBE Mission EARTH webinar on 26 September: “Urban Heat Island Effect Campaign and Results of the Surface Temperature Changes during the Solar Eclipse.”
During this 45-minute webinar, which will begin at 8 p.m. EDT, Dr. Kevin Czajkowski (Dr. C) will review the GLOBE surface temperature data submitted during the solar eclipse. Dr. C needs your help in collecting surface temperature data for his Urban Heat Island Effect Campaign. Teachers will also share their previous experiences with his campaign.
GLOBE Mission EARTH (GME) is a collaborative of multiple institutions across the United States. GME’s mission is to improve education and involvement in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) by increasing participation of students and citizens in The GLOBE Program. Specifically, GME supports STEM education in elementary school through middle school, high school, and college by integrating GLOBE/NASA materials into K-12 science instruction. The overarching aim of MISSION EARTH is to produce national systemic change in STEM education through the creation of a recommended curriculum progression for diverse school districts across the United States.
In order to register for the webinar, go to: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
There will also be a follow-up webinar on Friday, 29 September at 1:00 p.m. for students to interact with Dr. C. A separate registration is required – stay turned for details on how to participate in this event (a separate registration will be required)!
To learn more about GLOBE Mission EARTH, click here!
Event Topics: Campaigns and Projects (IOPs, etc) type: globe-events
Events origin: GLOBE Implementation Office