Events - NASA Langley Research Center
GLOBE Video Competition - Earth Day 2012
Location: worldwide
Goal: Highlight GLOBE student research in climate science.
GLOBE Students submit short videos (5 minutes or less) documenting how they are exploring and investigating their local climate using GLOBE protocols and learning activities. A GLOBE Video will be assembled that highlights the best student videos submitted.
Who: GLOBE students from around the world.
What: Students create a video of their class engaging in exploring and investigating their local climate through data collection with GLOBE protocols and climate-focused learning activities. Students explain what they are doing and what climate projects they are working on in their home language on the video. An English written transcript of the video should be submitted to ensure proper credit and archival of all submissions.
Upload your video to your favorite video sharing website (for example YouTube, TeacherTube, Vimeo, or others) and send us the link to your video.
- Submissions: Deadline is 31 March 2012
- Top regional videos will be highlighted starting 16 April
- Top three videos featured to the general public on Earth Day, 22 April 2012
What Needs to be Submitted:
- Link to student video
- Written transcript of video (in home language and in English)
How Videos will be Scored:
- Clearly defined GLOBE protocol and climate-focused learning activities
- Shows students in action
- Transcript (in home language and English) provided
- Audio and video quality
If you have questions please submit them to
type: globe-eventsEvents origin: GLOBE Implementation Office