Events - NASA Langley Research Center
World Water Day 2012
Event Date:
- 03/22/2012
Location: worldwide
Location: worldwide
International World Water Day is held annually on 22 March as a means of focusing attention on the importance of freshwater and advocating for the sustainable management of freshwater resources.
Every year, GLOBE students join in the worldwide celebration while focusing attention on the importance of freshwater and supporting the sustainable management of freshwater resources.
Share your activities in support of World Water Day by
- Cleaning up a local waterway
- Collecting hydrology data using GLOBE protocols, or
- any activity that involves you and your community in the preservation of our most vital natural resource, water.
Also, be sure to share your story with the community on the GLOBE Facebook page.
Visit the World Water Day website. There you can read about events near you and post your own event on the world map of World Water Day activities. Read more on the United Nations World Water Day website.
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type: globe-events
Events origin: GLOBE Implementation Office