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Images of trees with varying colors of leaves, from bright green to yellow to red.

GLOBE students across North America and Europe are working together to document seasonal change this September through December. We invite volunteers of all ages and in all countries to support their work by collecting regular Trees and Land Cover data with GLOBE Observer. 

2024 GLOBE Phenology Campaigns

Between September and December 2024, the GLOBE Program will be running an Intensive Observation Period (IOP) to gather observations of green-down. An IOP is a focused period of time where participants are encouraged to collect large amounts of data and enter it in the GLOBE database. This IOP is in conjunction with the GLOBE North America Phenology Campaign and the European Phenology Campaign,  campaigns that focus on monitoring and reporting plant phenology data to help validate the timing of the plant growing season. Even though these are campaigns based in a North America (United States and Canada) and Europe, we are seeking the following from every GLOBE country:

  • Regular (daily if possible) photos  of a tree using GLOBE Observer Trees to capture its change from green to leaves fully off or, in the Southern Hemisphere, leaf buds to full leaf. Regular (daily if possible) observations of tree height for the same tree to collect repeat observations. Scientists often collect repeat observations of what they are measuring, since repeat data can be averaged together to reduce the impact of error on the measurement, making the data more reliable.  Not only is repeat data extremely valuable, you can earn a Trees streak in the GLOBE Observer app!
  • Regular observations of land cover for the same location to capture the broader change around the tree. You can also earn a Land Cover streak with daily observations.

Since climate change is global, we need observations from everywhere. Your observations can help students, educators, and scientists around the world.

Need more support? These videos provide guidance on choosing and measuring a tree for the campaign. 

Read more in the blog, "Repeat Observations, Green Down, Tree Height, and a Call for Daily Observations Supporting the North America Phenology Campaign."
