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NASA Langley GLOBE Teacher Internship: Summer 2018

Six female teachers standing in front of a large metal ball - a wind tunnel - outside on a sunny day in a pine woodland.

The NASA Langley GLOBE Partnership hosted eight GLOBE teacher interns for 10 weeks this summer in Hampton, Virginia:

1.) Wanda Hathaway a middle school GLOBE teacher from Elizabeth City, North Carolina; 

2.) Laura Kubiak, a high school GLOBE Mission Earth teacher from Toledo, Ohio; 

3.) Veshell Lewis, a doctoral student from University of Southern Mississippi; 

4.) Sara Clemmer, a middle school science teacher from Virginia Beach, Virginia;

5.) Mary Anna Garifo, a high school GLOBE teacher from Blacksburg, Virginia;

6.) Angie Rizzi, a middle school STEM coordinator from Newport News, Virginia;

7.) Belinda Scholls, an elementary GLOBE teacher from Newport News, Virginia; and,

8.) Samantha Adams, a high school GLOBE teacher from Bronx, New York. 

The interns participated in a variety of learning experiences that included connecting with NASA scientists, engineers and educators, daily GLOBE data collection and protocol exploration. One of the highlights of the experience included a series of guest speakers from the GLOBE community; each of the speakers shared their GLOBE stories of how they are using GLOBE to bring authentic learning experiences into both formal and informal educational settings.

Throughout the summer each intern focused on an area of GLOBE that aligned with the grade level and standards representative of the state in which they teach. The areas they explored included Elementary GLOBE, sphere investigations from an Earth System perspective, relationship between clouds and surface temperature, STEM Equity in GLOBE, and instrument calibration in support of the GLOBE Air Quality Campaign.  As part of their experience each intern completed a GLOBE Implementation plan for the upcoming school year aligning GLOBE protocols, learning activities and NASA resources with their state curriculum standards. The opportunity as a whole was a time of growth for not only the interns, but also for the NASA Langley Science Education team as they gained new insight regarding the needs of the diverse audiences with which each of the interns currently work.

type: globe-news

News origin: NASA Langley Research Center
