News - National Institute of Research and Physical and Chemical Analysis - (INRAP)
Celebrating 2025 IVSS Research Teams: A Preview of What Students Explored in the 2025 IVSS
The 2025
International Virtual Science Symposium (IVSS) project submission
window closed on 5 March and the GLOBE Implementation Office would
like to thank all the GLOBE student researchers, their educator
mentors, and collaborating scientists for their hard work. Student
research teams demonstrated creativity using GLOBE protocols and data
to investigate a variety of research topics ranging from evaluating
soil and water quality characteristics to promote sustainable
agricultural practices to developing machine learning models to
predict wildfire and flooding risks.
Students applied GLOBE protocols and data to investigate all of
Earth’s spheres in 2025 IVSS research projects, with hydrosphere,
atmosphere, and pedosphere being the most popular areas of
investigation. A breakdown of protocols by Earth sphere is shown in
the chart below.
Projects were submitted from students in all six GLOBE regions, representing over 31 countries and written in six languages, including Arabic, Croatian, English, Portuguese, Spanish, and Thai. Students embraced the 2025 theme “30 Years of GLOBE: Understanding the Past, Present, and Future”, with more than 3/4 of projects applying for the featured “I am a Data Scientist” badge. "I am a Collaborator" was the second most popular badge, featured in over 200 project submissions.
What’s next for our 2025 IVSS research teams? In March, a
prestigious team of volunteer judges comprised of scientists,
educators, and other STEM professionals from around the world will
score and provide feedback on student research projects. The GIO is
grateful for the over 350 judges who have confirmed their
participation to score and provide feedback on this year’s IVSS
projects. The Judges' feedback will be shared with student research
teams on Earth Day, 22 April, when the GIO will celebrate the hard
work of all student research teams!