National Kinmen Senior High School - National Kinmen Senior High School
School / Data Site Locations
GLOBE Educators
SCHOOL at a Glance

- 45 Students
- 2 Educators
- 0 Pre-service Teachers
- 0 GLOBE Observers
- 666624 Data Entries
- 74 Honor Rolls
School Badges
2024 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium
Measurement of Surface Temperatures in Kinmen High School Campus
2023 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium
Study of Soil Quality and the diversity of plant in Swamp Forests
Observing the changes in weather and magnetic field change in Kinmen
Kinmen four seasons represent actual observations of fruits
Environmental Variables Affecting the Growth and Flowering of Ceiba speciosa
Difference between indoor and outdoor figs(Ficus carica) in greenhouse in Kinmen area
Changes of Frangipani(Plumeria rubra) from October to January in Kinmen
The relationship between Kinmen's temple and carbon dioxide
The relationship between Easterly Surge and the feasibility of stargazing in Kinmen.
The impact of reservoir water level and rainfall on agricultural channels: Field surveys and analyses
Research on the Relationship between Sunlight Exposure & Turf Growth
Discusses wind direction, wind speed, solar illuminance, and the influence on different orientations of the old house
2022 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium
Delonix Regia (Poinciana): Red Flowers in Graduation Season
Taiwanese Rain Tree-Exploring the Relationship between temperature, solid temperature, humidity.
Wander Kinmen Farmland and Trail
The Relationship Between the Frequency of fogging and Factory shutdown in Kinmen
The relationship between temperature and rainfall on the Ceiba
The relationship between Kaoliang and Wheat and Orchid Tree
The relationship between Cloud types and Stargazing possibility in Kinmen
Microplastics in Kinmen
Kinmen Senior High School Campus Mosquito Exploration
Discussion on Soil Appearance, Lake Surface Water Level and Surrounding Engineering in Shuangli Lake
A Study on Influencing Factors of Cherry Blossoms in Kinmen Area
2021 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium
The relationship between the tree ring of Dragon Juniper and the meteorological data on the campus of Kinmen
Kinmen Airplane Takeoff and Landing the Impact of COVID-19
The relationship between horseshoe crab and salinity and temperature
The Relationship Between Lightning Strikes and Weather Events in Kinmen
The appearance of Pink Lake and the relationship between color changes and weather
Days Without Rain
Observation on the change of turf color in the Kinmen Senior High School in 2020
The Relation Between PM2.5 And Fog
Cherry blossoms and Temperature survey
Trees Measurement, Exploring the Connection between Sunshine and Foliage Varies
2020 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium
The relation between Kinmen fog and ENSO
Discussion on Airplane Takeoff and Landing at Kinmen Airport
School Badges
Welcome2023 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium
Study of Soil Quality and the diversity of plant in Swamp Forests
Observing the changes in weather and magnetic field change in Kinmen
Kinmen four seasons represent actual observations of fruits
Environmental Variables Affecting the Growth and Flowering of Ceiba speciosa
Difference between indoor and outdoor figs(Ficus carica) in greenhouse in Kinmen area
Changes of Frangipani(Plumeria rubra) from October to January in Kinmen
The relationship between Kinmen's temple and carbon dioxide
The relationship between Easterly Surge and the feasibility of stargazing in Kinmen.
The impact of reservoir water level and rainfall on agricultural channels: Field surveys and analyses
Research on the Relationship between Sunlight Exposure & Turf Growth
Discusses wind direction, wind speed, solar illuminance, and the influence on different orientations of the old house
Delonix Regia (Poinciana): Red Flowers in Graduation Season
Taiwanese Rain Tree-Exploring the Relationship between temperature, solid temperature, humidity.
Wander Kinmen Farmland and Trail
The Relationship Between the Frequency of fogging and Factory shutdown in Kinmen
The relationship between temperature and rainfall on the Ceiba
The relationship between Kaoliang and Wheat and Orchid Tree
The relationship between Cloud types and Stargazing possibility in Kinmen
Microplastics in Kinmen
Kinmen Senior High School Campus Mosquito Exploration
Discussion on Soil Appearance, Lake Surface Water Level and Surrounding Engineering in Shuangli Lake
A Study on Influencing Factors of Cherry Blossoms in Kinmen Area
The relationship between the tree ring of Dragon Juniper and the meteorological data on the campus of Kinmen
Kinmen Airplane Takeoff and Landing the Impact of COVID-19
The relationship between horseshoe crab and salinity and temperature
The Relationship Between Lightning Strikes and Weather Events in Kinmen
The appearance of Pink Lake and the relationship between color changes and weather
Days Without Rain
Observation on the change of turf color in the Kinmen Senior High School in 2020
The Relation Between PM2.5 And Fog
Cherry blossoms and Temperature survey
Trees Measurement, Exploring the Connection between Sunshine and Foliage Varies
2020 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium
The relation between Kinmen fog and ENSO
Discussion on Airplane Takeoff and Landing at Kinmen Airport