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Session 1: North America Partner Onboarding and Sustainability Series

The GLOBE North American Regional Office/U.S. Coordination Office is excited to announce the new Partner Onboarding and Sustainability workshop series. 


This series is for GLOBE Partners in the U.S. and Canada. Whether you are new to a Partnership, have been with a Partnership for several years, or are interested in becoming a new Partnership, the Onboarding and Sustainability Series will have content and skill-building applicable to a wide audience of GLOBE Partners.

 Session 1 agenda will include: 

  • GLOBE’s organizational structure (who’s who)
  • Acronyms
  • GLOBE audiences
  • How to get help

The skill-building session will focus on navigating the GLOBE website, including:

  • Editing your Partnership page
  • Tutorials
  • Various search functions (Teacher’s Guide, Resource library, general)

These sections will be followed by a highlight from a current GLOBE Partnership and time to talk individually with a GLOBE mentor.

Register for Session 1!


Event Topics: Meetings

Events origin: United States of America
