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Asset Publisher

An error occurred while processing the template.
The following has evaluated to null or missing:
==> rootElement.selectSingleNode("/root/dynamic-element[@name='news_title']/dynamic-content")  [in template "gov-globe-templates-theme_SERVLET_CONTEXT_/templates/global/widget-templates/asset-publisher-template/globe-global-org-now-news-template-1.0.0.ftl" at line 30, column 29]

Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (!myDefault, (

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: articleTitle = rootElement.selectSing...  [in template "gov-globe-templates-theme_SERVLET_CONTEXT_/templates/global/widget-templates/asset-publisher-template/globe-global-org-now-news-template-1.0.0.ftl" at line 30, column 14]
	- Reached through: #include "/gov-globe-templates-theme_...  [in template "10132#10165#77817334" at line 2, column 1]
1<#-- gov-globe-templates-theme --> 
2<#include "/gov-globe-templates-theme_SERVLET_CONTEXT_/templates/global/widget-templates/asset-publisher-template/globe-global-org-now-news-template-1.0.0.ftl" /> 

Asset Publisher

chalk designs on black top
Drawing of the three Elementary GLOBE students.
Two students talk to a STEM professional at the SRS

Asset Publisher

North America The North American Region represents GLOBE community members in Canada and the United States. The role of the GLOBE North American Coordination Office is to conduct support...
Phenology Webinars YCC Webinar: GLOBE Green-Down in Alaska with Dr. Katie Spellman Dr. Katie Spellman, of the GLOBE-Alaska partnership, shares about GLOBE green-down data for scenarios...
North America Phenology Campaign The North America Phenology Campaign is focused on monitoring and reporting plant phenology data to help validate the timing of the plant growing season. In this...

Globe At A Glance

REGION at a Glance

  • 574021 Students
  • 31647 Educators
  • 4683 Pre-service Teachers
  • 163377 GLOBE Observers
  • 177075028 Data Entries
  • 24757 Schools / Informal Education Organizations
  • 787 Trainers
  • 40 Mentor Trainers
  • 32087 People Trained
  • 4735 Workshops Held

GLOBE People


Most Active - Past 30 Days