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Pedosphere Protocol Data-Entry Forms Now Available

The GLOBE team is happy to release the first set of GLOBE Pedosphere data-entry forms for the GLOBE Observer app. Pedosphere site creation and all Soil Characterization protocols are now available for trained GLOBE educators once you update your GLOBE Observer app on both iOS and Android. These data-entry forms are also available on the desktop. The protocols include Soil Bulk Density, Soil Fertility, Soil Particle Density, Soil pH, Soil Infiltration, and Particle Size Distribution. The remaining Pedosphere protocols—Frost Tube, Soil Temperature, and Soil Moisture—will be released in the months ahead.

All Earth as a System protocol bundles have been updated to include the addition of these Pedosphere protocols and, of course, you can always make your own bundles.

As with other spheres, the GLOBE Observer app will guide you to create a pedosphere site when one of the soil characterization protocols is selected. The new data-entry forms include help and error checking to make sure the values you enter are within accepted ranges, and built-in support is provided for people who use screen readers and other assistive technologies.

Now, go out and get your hands dirty!

News origin: GLOBE Implementation Office
