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Big Changes to GLOBE Observer and GLOBE’s Data Entry System are Now Here!
We’re happy to announce that a long-term project has come to conclusion.
Monday, 12 July marked the release of a number of changes and additions to the GLOBE Observer app. For GLOBE Observers, the app includes a redesign of the Mosquito Habitat Mapper app (in time for the upcoming Mosquito Habitat Photo Challenge – 25 July to 25 August). New features include a more visual larva identification key that will make it easier to determine if the larvae are one of three types of mosquitoes that most often transmit disease.
GLOBE Observer can now also be connected to SciStarter for those who track their citizen science contributions across multiple citizen science projects with this online citizen science hub. Available under the settings icon, you can log in to SciStarter from GLOBE Observer, and all of your GLOBE Observer measurements will be credited to your SciStarter account.
For protocol trained GLOBE users, a new capability will appear allowing you to enter data for all of GLOBE’s atmosphere protocols. With this capability, you will see a new “GLOBE Atmosphere” graphic at the top of the GLOBE Observer app’s home screen. This will lead you to the new Data Entry system (initially for atmosphere only). All of your existing sites will be there. Using this modern interface, you will be able to enter atmosphere protocol data, create sites and observations, and edit and delete previous atmosphere measurements. The new data entry system simplifies data entry, allowing you to easily choose or create sites at your location in the moment as you enter your measurements. A matching desktop version is available at
A quick guide on the new data entry system is available here, with a longer step by step tutorial here.
We hope you enjoy the new system. Please send your thoughts, comments or issues to the helpdesk at
GLOBE Science Topics: Backyard Science Climate Data Included General Science GLOBE Protocols Earth System Science Primary Audience: Alumni Country Coordinators Partners Scientists Students Teachers Trainers Investigation Areas: Atmosphere Hydrosphere Investigation Areas > Atmosphere: Investigation Areas > Hydrosphere: News Topics: Web Maintenance / Enhancements GLOBE Working Groups: Technology Working GroupNews origin: GLOBE Implementation Office