OS Vladimir Nazor Virovitica - OS Vladimir Nazor Virovitica
School / Data Site Locations
GLOBE Educators
SCHOOL at a Glance

- 0 Students
- 3 Educators
- 0 Pre-service Teachers
- 0 GLOBE Observers
- 37379 Data Entries
- 87 Honor Rolls
School Badges
Along with the central school there are regional schools in Podgorica, Djurdj and Korij. Better access to foreign languages and a greater number of free activities is introduced. Days of Open School, Project Teaching and Field Teaching and GLOBE Inclusion confirm that the school follows contemporary trends and seeks to provide students with exemplary education and better education.
2023 GLOBE International Virtual Science SymposiumTrebam vodu/ I need wather

International Virtual Science Symposium Report
statistic analysis
Sjetva u našoj županiji
characteristic watercourses of Ođenica and Manteč