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SCRC Online Webinar: Latest News about the Student Climate Research Campaign

27 February 2012:  16:00 UTC / 09:00 US/MST

28 February 2012:  01:30 UTC / 18:30 US/MST on 27 February

Presenters:  Dr. Donna Charlevoix and the GLOBE Science and Education Team

GLOBE students and scientists have been extremely busy during the first six months of the Student Climate Research Campaign (SCRC). Learn about the latest highlights, see who is participating and learn how to engage in upcoming programs such as Intensive Observation Periods (IOPs) and video competitions for Earth Day. 

Webinar pre-registration is not required. Sign in as  'guest'  through Adobe Connect at one of the times convenient to you. Learn more about climate explorations currently underway.

type: globe-events

Events origin: GLOBE Implementation Office
