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GLOBE Estonia Hosts Successful GLOBE Regional Learning Expedition
GLOBE Estonia, in cooperation with the Embassy of the United States of America in Tallinn and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Estonia, hosted the 2015 GLOBE Regional Learning Expedition (GRLE) from August 3 through August 6, 2015.
Over 200 participants from seven countries (Baltic Sea region and Ukraine) attended the event. The emphasis was on satellites, soil science, and the significance of GLOBE data collection. The field expedition involved GLOBE games and data collection, and the presentation of results.
The U.S. Ambassador to Estonia, Jeffrey Levine, and the Estonian Minister of Education and Research, Jürgen Ligi, kicked off the start of the GRLE in Nelijärve. Participants from Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Russia, Ukraine, and Finland conducted a variety of hands-on environmental educational and observational activities.
Ambassador Levine said GLOBE is more than "just science." He said it is "about relationships, collaboration and friendships." He told the students to "take time to talk to each other, make new friends, forge ideas for collaborative projects and then do them. Most importantly, have fun and learn – that is what GLOBE is about!"
type: globe-newsNews origin: GLOBE Implementation Office