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U.S. Student Teams Selected to Attend the GLOBE Learning Expedition in India
The five teams of GLOBE students in the United States, listed below, have been selected to attend the GLOBE Learning Expedition (GLE) in India with support from the GLOBE Program Office. Scientists from the GLOBE International Science Network served as reviewers for each project.
Crestwood High School, Dearborn Heights, Michigan
"Correlations between Vernal Pool Hydroperiod, Water Chemistry, and Select GLOBE Atmospheric Data with Implications for Breeding Amphibians in the Urbanizing Landscape of Dearborn Heights, Michigan"
Students: Ahmad Awada, Hussein Makki, Micki Nanovski, Alex Zmejkoski
Teacher: Diana Johns
Mat-Su Career and Technical High School, Wasilla, Alaska
"Assessing the Relationship between Local Annual Climate and the Green-down Period of Indigenous Alaskan Species Using GLOBE Phenology Protocol"
Students: Ariel Hasse, Lucas Arthur, Kailey Carlson, Joshua Hartman
Teacher: Tim Lundt
Roswell Kent Middle School, Akron, Ohio
"Urban Heat Island Effect: Local Issue of Global Problem?"
Students: Hong Non Ai, Norn Htaw, Mai See Lor, Wendy Vargas.
Teacher: Steve Frantz
Hawkins High School, Hawkins, Texas
"Macroinvertebrate and Water Quality International Collaboration Research Project"
Students: Haley Boyd, Derek Craft, Allyson Edwards, Hope Hughes, Madison Jaco
Teacher: Audra Edwards
Huntington High School, Huntington, West Virginia
"Assessing the Impact of Aerosols on the Urban Heat Island Effect"
Students: Kalila Baker, Elise Gooding, Sarah Cartwright
Teacher: Rick Sharpe
Find information about the competition to select these teams, including the rubric for determining the winning teams, on the U.S. Schools Competition webpage.
Whether the GPO has sponsored you or you are finding your own means to join in, we look forward to welcoming you in Delhi this August for what promises to be the most exciting GLOBE event of 2014. Find information about the GLE, including the draft agenda, visa and travel information and links to the registration page and post-GLE touring options, on the GLOBE GLE webpage.
Important information about Research Papers and Posters:
Paper and poster abstracts should be submitted to your Country Coordinator for review; if your country does not have a Country Coordinator, abstracts should be submitted to your Regional Office representative. Find your regional and country page here. If your Country Coordinator is organizing a competition, he/she will be able to provide you with additional details. Participants are responsible for submitting their approved paper and poster abstracts, by 15 June 2014, to the Asia and Pacific Regional Office via email: <>. For consistency purposes, we ask all participants to submit their abstracts and papers following the GLE Student Investigation Report Format guidelines. All papers accepted and reviewed by country coordinators or regional office representatives will be printed in the online conference proceedings, available after the event.
Participants are responsible for bringing their own poster; poster pins will be supplied. All participants should bring their presentation to India on a thumb drive; it will be transferred to a conference laptop for collection.
type: globe-newsNews origin: GLOBE Implementation Office