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Globe At A Glance

SCHOOL at a Glance

  • 50 Students
  • 2 Educators
  • 0 Pre-service Teachers
  • 0 GLOBE Observers
  • 1063 Data Entries
  • 1 Honor Roll


School Badges

2021 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium

the The Asiatic honey bee and the Giant honey bee from the area of Khao Bantad Range in south of Thailand.

2019 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium

A study about water quality, fish and phytoplankton in Pak-pra canal, Phatthalung province, Thailand

Effects of heavy metals on plankton, water quality and fish in Pak-pra canal, Phatthalung province, Thailand

2018 GLOBE International Virtual Science SymposiumGLOBE 2016 International Virtual Science Fair

Water quality in Thale Noi Waterfowl Reserve in Khuan Khanun District, Phatthalung Province, Thailand

The survey of the water buffalo populations in Thale Noi, Phatthalung Thailand

2017 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium

Water quality in Paphayom canal flow Phatthalung,Thailand

Types and Mosquito Larvae Density in Lankhoy Community in Paphayom District, Phatthalung, Thailand


"Accumulative rainfall and types of clouds found in Papayompittayakom school at Phatthalung, Thailand"