GLOBE & Peace Corps Collaboration

GLOBE & Peace Corps Collaboration

Here are specific examples of GLOBE & Peace Corps Collaboration:



  • Peru: In Peru, Peace Corps Volunteers actively support GLOBE through training teachers and implementing GLOBE in project sites. For example, PCVs supported a train-the-trainer workshop and overall GLOBE expansion in Peru.
  • Panama:  PCVs attended a GLOBE training workshop in Panama in 2001.  Peace Corps Panama invited workshop participants to involve its in-country volunteers as aides in teacher training.


  • Benin:  PCVS have been involved in multiple facets of the GLOBE Program:  training their counterpart teachers, teaching GLOBE in their schools, and facilitating the transfer of data taken by students to the GLOBE database.
  • Cameroon:  PCVs worked in close collaboration with their Cameroonian counterparts using the protocols to stimulate inquiry-based environmental education in their schools.
  • Madagascar:  PC worked to support GLOBE teachers in the geographical regions of the country.  PCVs served as training consultants for teachers.
  • Tanzania:  PC held an in-service training for PCVs interested in doing GLOBE in their schools. 


  • Czech Republic:  The PC Country Director and a PCV worked with the government to help establish an NGO as the Country Coordinator and invited GLOBE to hold their first international training workshop in Prague.  Based on its success, GLOBE asked the NGO and PC to host a second international training workshop.  The PCV became an integral part of the GLOBE Czech Republic team and incorporated GLOBE in a pre-service training and in-service training for PCVs.  
  • Kazakhstan:  PCVs organized an international training workshop in Almaty in 1997 where over a dozen PCVs from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Russia and Poland were trained and helped implement GLOBE in their host countries. Link to GLOBE Star.
  • Kyrgyz Republic:  A PCV took a leading role in organizing a GLOBE international training workshop where many PCVs from Kyrgyz Republic and Kazakhstan were trained as GLOBE trainers and returned to their schools and assisted their counterparts in the implementation of GLOBE.  She also traveled to schools throughout the country to  introduce GLOBE.  She assisted GLOBE teachers with obtaining GLOBE scientific equipment for their schools.  She helped develop a GLOBEtraining workshop for incoming PCVs.
  • Russia:  Peace Corps organized training workshops in Russia Far East.


  • Jordan:  Peace Corps worked with an NGO to support the GLOBE Country Coordinator to implement GLOBE in schools and hold workshops to train additional teachers.