
Posted in: Curriculum: Science and Math Technology STEM Field Campaigns: Seasons and Biomes Carbon Cycle Surface Temperature GLOBE Mission Earth News: General Activities GLOBE Science Topics: Backyard Science Climate Change GLOBE Protocols Earth as a System Earth System Science Scientist Skills Learning Activities: Land Cover/Biology

  In this episode of Eyes on Earth, we talk with Peder Nelson about generational science and the responsibility we have to future generations to study our changing planet. It takes more than just data to make sense of land change. And while remote sensing scientists work with the deep archive of Landsat and other land data available from the USGS EROS Center, everyone can put themselves...

Posted in: GLOBE International STEM Network (GISN): GLOBE International STEM Network (GISN) Investigation Areas: Earth As a System Biosphere

Here is the recording of my 3-minute lightening talk at the Google Earth Engine User Summit 2018 meeting. "Planetary Education: Google Earth Engine + The GLOBE Program"

Posted in: GLOBE Science Topics: General Science Scientist Skills News Topics: Video Primary Audience: Trainers Teachers Students Partners Scientists Alumni Country Coordinators

Here is the direct URL to see the Landsat images of Killarney National Park, Ireland using the Google Timelapse Viewer.,-9.55466,10.89,latLng&t=0.07 "Timelapse is a global, zoomable video that lets you see how the Earth has changed over the past 32 years. It is made from 33 cloud-free annual mosaics, one for each year from 1984 to 2016,...