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Globe At A Glance

SCHOOL at a Glance

  • 25 Students
  • 1 Educator
  • 0 Pre-service Teachers
  • 0 GLOBE Observers
  • 21153 Data Entries
  • 4 Honor Rolls


School Badges

2024 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium


Soil Characteristics and Their Effect On the Quality of the Fruits of the Saudi Palm Plant.


School Badges

2023 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium

The effect of afforestation with local plants in preserving the genetic origins of those desert plants in the Riyadh region

2021 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium

Decline in vegetation cover due to human growth and activity in Al Zulfi city

2020 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium

The human role in raising the ratio of dust particles in the air of the desert city of Zulfi