Princess Chulabhorn Science High School Trang - Princess Chulabhorn Science High School Trang
School / Data Site Locations
GLOBE Educators
SCHOOL at a Glance

- 165 Students
- 10 Educators
- 2 Pre-service Teachers
- 0 GLOBE Observers
- 25880 Data Entries
- 26 Honor Rolls
School Badges
2023 GLOBE International Virtual Science SymposiumA Study of the diversity of mollusks in mangroves and Samae Forests Mangrove Area Ban Mod Tanoi Community, Trang Province.
Variation in the Amount of Carbon Storage in Plant Dominant Species at Princess Chulabhorn Science High School Trang
Study of Factors Affecting the Density and Size of Hammer Clam in Different Ages of Mangrove Forests
Study of climate and soil quality that affect biochemical composition of Trang pepper
Soil types affecting survival and growth rate of broken Enhalus acoroides washed on shore.
Innovative mosquito ovitrap for reducing mosquito outbreak.
Examining the effects of rising sea temperatures on the germination, growth and survival rate of Enhalus acoroides.
A Study of the diversity of mollusks in mangroves and Samae Forests Mangrove Area Ban Mod Tanoi Community, Trang Province.
A Study of Microplastics in the Topsoil Affecting the Behavior of the Fiddler Crabs (Astruca annulipes) in Trang, Thailand.
A Study into the harvesting processes of Trang pepper; with relation to its effect on the percentage of piperine.
Innovation to Reduce Mosquitoes (MOSSKEYTO)
Study on the effect of water pH on survival rate and life cycle of Aedes spp.
The oil filter tank separates oil from contaminated wastewater using natural filter materials.
The study of salinity, water temperature and soil quality on diversity of fiddler crabs in mangrove saline hot springs, Hat Chao Mai National Park,Trang Province
The study of water quality and phytoplankton which affect to the survival and growth rates of Crassostrea belcheri in the coastal area of Trang Province.
Weather data collector to study local weather conditions.
A study of microplastic contamination in water and white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) in shrimp ponds in Songkhla Province, Thailand.
Study of the behavior of the fiddler(Uca bangali) in the area of Ban Modtanoi area, Kantang district, Trang province
Study on calcium and magnesium content in water with the optimum 5 ppt salinity for growth of white shrimp (L. vannamei).
Relationship of Colors, Climate and Water Quality that Affect Mosquito Larvae
The study of relationships between seagrass species and densities with number of benthic fauna found in Pak Klong Bay, Thailand
Effect of population density on burrow characteristics in the fiddler crab (Uca bengali)
Terrestrial Cloud Studies on Cloud Data from Position and Condition Changes.
Princess Chulabhorn's College,Trang is a boarding school that focus on science and mathematic.
2020 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium
Microplastics in sea water and fish in coastal area in Trang province, Thailand
Study of micro-plastic contamination in sediment at the beach in Sikao District Trang Province
Mosquito Larvae diversity and abundance relation to land cover in coastal area in Trang Province Thailand
Monitoring of Ambient Nitrogen Dioxide Concentrations in Mueang Trang District by Passive Sampling
The hunting efficiency of natural mosquito larvae predators
The relationships of water quality, soil quality and seagrass coverage in the coastal area of Trang province, Thailand
Comparison of seagrass coverage between ‘aerial photography’ and ‘direct field observation’ in Pak Klong Bay, Trang Province, Thailand
Study of mosquito species and their number in a touristic place in Pak Meng beach, Trang
The species of mosquito larvae and water quality in shrimp ponds,Trang province.
The effects of predators on mosquito larva numbers in Trang Province
Effects of container types and water qualities on the density of Aedes larvae in Trang province, Thailand
School Badges
2024 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium
Types of fertilizers that affect the growth of sea grape
Effects of soil quality on the carbon storage of seagrass in Pak Klong Beach and Ao Kham, Trang
A Study of microplastics in the soil, water and oysters (Crassostrea belcheri ) in Trang, Thailand
Study of the pH water that affects the hatching rate survival rate and size of Aedes mosquitoes.
Developing equipment to help anchor seagrass seedlings to increase seagrass survival rates
Physical parameters affecting morning glory density
Model Forecasting of the number of Dengue Fever Diseases in Trang during the El Niño phenomenon.
Study of the pH water that affects the hatching rate survival rate and size of Aedes mosquitoes.
A Study of Weather Conditions for Developing a Local Weather Forecast Web Application
Studying Weather Data for the Development of Innovative Pepper Hybrid Drying Machine