

2020 Presentations

2019 Presentations

  • GLOBE with K-12 studentsHosted six one-day events where AP Environmental Science and AP Chemistry classes visited campus to learn about soils, hydrology, and the atmosphere using various GLOBE protocols. Hosted two one-day events for elementary students to teach them how to use the GLOBE Observer app for Tree Height and Clouds, along with various GLOBE protocols. Led multi-day event with 500+ students learning about GLOBE hydrology. 

  •  Real World Math Connections for the Elementary ClassroomTaught biometry protocols with GLOBE Observer to pre-service math classes during both fall and spring semesters. 

  • Presented at theHoosier Association of Science Teachers Inc. (HASTI) conference presentation: Successfully Using Science Research Projects in the 6-12 Classroom.  

  • GLOBE North American Regional Meeting (NARM) meetings. (Spring) Lightning Talk: Implementing a Statewide Virtual Science Symposium. (Fall) Lightning Talk: Modeling a Student Micro-Research Project. (Fall) Presentation for NARM PD: How to Design a GLOBE STEM PD. 

  • Presented the GLOBE Observer app to visitors at two community events on campus that had thousands of attendees.