News - Republic of Korea
NWF: Bringing Climate to the Classroom
The National Wildlife Federation (NWF) has unveiled a new web resource on climate change education for K-12 schools and colleges. The new site is based on the Emmy Award-winning documentary series: Years of Living Dangerously (YEARS), which was created and managed by a team of former CBS 60 Minutes producers.
The new site,, contains free climate-smart educational materials for middle and high schools and colleges to use along with accompanying video clips from the YEARS series that feature correspondents, Harrison Ford, Don Cheadle, and Thomas Friedman among others. The site also contains guides for student action, case examples of on-campus greenhouse gas-reduction programs, and educational standards alignments.
Resources for educators include lesson plans and resources that correspond to the science and issues presented in the series (offering an interdisciplinary teaching opportunity). Resources for students include a number of ways for students to acquire advanced climate-related knowledge and skills. Resources for colleges include tools and resources designed to elevate the conversation on climate change, and for students and faculty to demonstrate leadership in advancing sustainability.
type: globe-newsNews origin: GLOBE Implementation Office