GLOBE Slovakia Students´ Conference

GLOBE Slovakia Students´ Conference

GLOBE Slovakia Students´ Conference

To celebrate our second year in The GLOBE Program, the Students´ Conference was held online on 23 June 2022. Seventeen GLOBE teams from schools all around Slovakia presented their GLOBE activities of the school year 2021/22.

Primary school pupils from grade 2 up to high school students shared their measurements and observations in three GLOBE areas: phenology, hydrology, and meteorology.  The smallest "scientists“ beautifully combined art work with their GLOBE measurements in their presentations in form of land art, paintings or live songs with environmental context. Roma children from socially disadvantaged communities presented their passion in exploring water invertebrates, spring budburst, and clouds observations. High school students shared their interpretation skills through graphs and tables, and looked for relationships between natural events, such as weather and leaf growth progress. We also had a chance to cool ourselves a little bit through virtual visit to High Tatras where high school students analyze microplastics in snow. Some teams also applied their results in environment enhancement on local scale, e.g. planting trees, removing of invasive plant species, or alerting local government on bad quality of water in the river. We very much appreciate active participation of experts of our Scientific Board, other cooperators of the GLOBE Program in Slovakia, and from RCO Europe and Eurasia who gave the students valuable feedback on their presentations as well as tips on continuation of their research.

“The atmosphere on the conference was very cordial and friendly and we are very happy that our GLOBE schools in Slovakia enjoy the participation in the program as much as we do. It was a very inspiring and pleasant 4 hours marathon on ZOOM platform😊” said Barbora Michnova, Country Coordinator in Slovakia.








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