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School / Informal Education Organization Locations

305 Schools / Informal Education Organizations
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About the Country
Attending Regional Meeting May 25, 2017 GLOBE South Africa Country coordinator is attending the GLOBE Regional conference in Mauritius.
Ms. Mokgadi Madiga Government Point of Contact/ Country Coordinator Department of Science and Technology Building 53, CSIR Campus Meiring Naude Road, Brummeria PRETORIA, south-africa ...
Workshop: ARCARDIA HOTEL, South Africa Event Date: 02/19/2016 - 02/20/2016 Students and few teachers will be trained on protocols and data entry. The aim of the workshop is to equip...
Workshop: Sundown Ranch Hotel, South Africa Event Date: 04/11/2015 - 04/11/2015 The attendees will be informed about the aspects of the GLOBE programme and trained on how to implement...
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Country Coordinator & Government Point of Contact:
Latest Regional News

Globe At A Glance

COUNTRY at a Glance

  • 6505 Students
  • 390 Educators
  • 49 Pre-service Teachers
  • 1373 GLOBE Observers
  • 14025 Data Entries
  • 309 Schools / Informal Education Organizations
  • 3 Honor Rolls
  • 3 Trainers
  • 2 Mentor Trainers
  • 427 People Trained
  • 25 Workshops Held

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