News - Spain
New Mobile App for GLOBE Data Entry
As part of GLOBE's 20th Anniversary celebration, GLOBE is releasing a Data Entry App, which will be available on both iOS and Android platforms.
Currently, GLOBE requires students who use the GLOBE protocols to go into the field and manually record their measurements on a data entry sheet. They then return to their classrooms to enter the data into the GLOBE database online. The GLOBE Data Entry App will allow GLOBE users around the world to enter data directly into their phone or tablet device while out in the field, and then send their data to the GLOBE database whenever they have an active internet connection.
The new app includes some useful features: it will automatically enter the user's time and date, and seamlessly integrate the user's camera to facilitate entering data. Teachers and their students will be able to download the app, which will simplify the whole data entry process, and make it easier for data to be submitted to GLOBE for use by other teachers, students, and scientists. The "offline mode" also supports people in countries with limited Internet access, or people in the field who do not have Internet access at the time they are making measurements. The Data Entry App will be available before Earth Day, April 22. Visit the the homepage where news of its release will be posted as soon as it is available.
type: globe-news
News origin: GLOBE Implementation Office