St. Francis Xavier Catholic School - St. Francis Xavier Catholic School
School / Data Site Locations
SCHOOL at a Glance

- 52 Students
- 1 Educator
- 0 Pre-service Teachers
- 0 GLOBE Observers
- 2221 Data Entries
- 5 Honor Rolls
School Badges
2022 GLOBE International Virtual Science SymposiumThe Impact of Aerosols on the Effects of Global Warming in Earth's Atmosphere
The Effects of Relative Humidity on Aerosol Cluster Sizes
Comparing Aerosols and Surface Temperature
The Effects of Tributary Health on Lake Heritage
Nitrate Relationship between Soil, Pond, and Stream
The Effects of Aerosols on Water Quality
The Upstream Effect
Surface Temperature Compared in the Shade and Sun
Difference Between Surface Temperature at High and Low Elevations
Surface Temperature Changes With Different Surfaces
Surface Temperatures of Asphalt During Fall and Winter
Cloud Types Observed Most Often
St. Francis Cloud Observations Compared to Satellite Data
Investigating Water Quality in the St. Francis Xavier Stream
Water Quality in St. Francis Pond and Stream
The Reflection of Water Quality on the SFX Pond
The Urban Heat Island Effect in a Small Town
Protecting the Health of St. Francis
The Effects of Water Quality on Macroinvertebrates
Surface Ozone
The Effects of Nitrate, pH, and Temperature on Dissolved Oxygen
The Relationship between Clouds and Precipitation
How Does Rain Affect the pH of Soil?
Surface Temperature
When Do Leaves Change Colors In Fall?
Comparing Temperatures from Levels of the Atmosphere with Current Air, Surface, and Soil Temperature
A Comparison of Relative Humidity and the Effects of Air Quality on Swimmers
How Do Aerosols Vary in Different Regions?
Investigating Dangerous Levels of Lead and Relationship to pH in Local Soil
The Effect of Land Use on Water Quality