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Urban Surface Temperature, Zadar Croatia Europa

Zrinka Klarin, modified 3 Years ago.
Youngling Posts: 2 Join Date: 9/30/12 Recent Posts
 Hi, from Croatia and this is our Urban Temperature in City Zadar Croatia!
OS Sime Budinica Zadar 2020._2021​​​​​​​
Kevin Czajkowski, modified 5 Years ago.
Youngling Posts: 4 Join Date: 1/9/12 Recent Posts
This is a great data set. Croatia has so many schools taking part in the urban heat island campaign. I wanted to thank you and your students for your hard work. Are your students using the data for a project for the International Virtual Science Symposium (IVSS)? I see that there are 3 schools in Zadar that have taken a lot of surface temperature observations. Also, if you wanted to compare your school that looks like it is in the center of Zadar with observations on the nearby island. The school is OS Velentin Karin. Dr. C
Zrinka Klarin, modified 3 Years ago.
Youngling Posts: 2 Join Date: 9/30/12 Recent Posts
Hi, from Croatia and this is our Urban Temperature in City Zadar Croatia!
OS Sime Budinica Zadar 2020._2021.
Kevin Czajkowski, modified 3 Years ago.
Youngling Posts: 4 Join Date: 1/9/12 Recent Posts
Thanks for posting again. I hope all is going well with you.


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