Suriname - Suriname
School / Informal Education Organization Locations
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About the Country
2023 - 2024 GLOBE Program Report -Â DownloadÂ
Suriname is located in the region known as Amazonia and is more
particular part of the Guayana Shield. The Guayana Shield...
Workshop: Vierkinderen, Para, Suriname
Event Date:
- 08/27/2023
Mosquito Awareness Workshop
Zika Evaluation Meeting October 2018 in Panama City
Oct 03, 2018
After the training in May in Peru a number of target countries were invited to report back on what was achieved after attending...
GLOBE Latin America and Caribbean Regional Meeting 2018
Oct 04, 2018
Fifteen of the GLOBE LAC countries met for the Regional Meeting in Panama City to discuss the implementation of the GLOBE...
Closing Activities VOJ Albina
Aug 21, 2017
Tijdens de afsluiting konden de leerlingen van VOJ Albina enkele pedosfeerprotocollen uitvoeren. Verder werd er in verband met Wereld Mangrove Dag meer...
Regional Meeting 2014 - Buenos Aires, Argentina
Jun 28, 2014
The Regional Meeting of the GLOBE LAC (Latin America and the Caribbean) was held on the 27th and 28th of June 2014. The meeting was...
Workshop: Pater Anton Donicie Club House, Suriname
Event Date:
- 08/28/2014
Two days from 16:00-18:00 at Latour.
Workshop to go through the protocols hydrology and landcover...
Workshop: Building of Pater Anton Donicie Boy scouts Groep, Suriname
Event Date:
- 08/07/2014
GLOBE Train-the-Trainer Workshop
Hosted by
Pater Anton Donicie Scouts Groep...
Country Coordinator:
Ms. Monique Pool
Green Heritage Fund Suriname
Hofstraat 104b
Telephone: (597) 8754990 / 402758
Assistant Country...
Suriname is located in the region known as Amazonia and is more particular part of the Guayana Shield. The Guayana Shield underlies all of northeastern South America and covers a broad area between...
Latest Regional News
COUNTRY at a Glance

- 1975 Students
- 128 Educators
- 58 Pre-service Teachers
- 120 GLOBE Observers
- 1095 Data Entries
- 41 Schools / Informal Education Organizations
- 0 Honor Rolls
- 9 Trainers
- 0 Mentor Trainers
- 139 People Trained
- 17 Workshops Held