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Earth Science Week 12 -18 October 2014
Earth Science Week is 12 -18 October 2014. Coming right up is an concentrated week of activities to help you gain a better understanding of, and appreciation for, the Earth Sciences. Find a fantastic array of opportunities for students, teachers and the general public on the Earth Science Week 2014 website.
Every day of the week has exciting online events in which to participate. Register now to join in these live NASA events during Earth Science Week (ESW) here.
Here are a few examples of what's in store for you.
Be part of a real NASA experiment! One and all are invited to become a "Citizen Scientist" from Oct. 12-18 and contribute to NASA science while learning about clouds and how they affect our weather and climate. This exciting opportunity takes a little bit of planning because you'll need to find and coordinate with a satellite passing overhead, but you can do it. It doesn't matter where you live, how much you may or may not know about clouds, or your age. Everything you need to learn about #SkyScience, you'll find with a click here.
Educator Webinar--MY NASA DATA–GLOBE Digital Earth System Poster
On Tuesday, October 14, 2014, 6:00-7:00 pm ET, you can take part in an educator webinar. Tina Harte, education specialist at NASA Langley Research Center, will explore an exciting new resource for exploring real science data and making Earth system connections. The MY NASA DATA - GLOBE ePoster and activities for K-12 students will be discussed, with a focus on those meeting NGSS performance expectations, science practices and cross-cutting concepts related to K-12 Earth's Systems. For more information click here.
Educator Webinar—NASA STEM Spanish Immersion: National Climate Assessment in Spanish
Hola! On Wednesday, October 15, 2014 from 4:00-5:00 pm ET, you can learn about the ground-breaking National Climate Assessment report with research scientist, Alison Delgado. Get an in-depth view on how our climate is changing and what observations are telling us. Discover how to integrate the National Climate Assessment into your STEM classroom through NASA hands-on activities, with NASA education specialist, Marilé Colón Robles, The entire session and lessons will be in Spanish. For more information, click here
Educator Webinar: Mapping Earth's Water Cycle with NASA Scientists
On Thursday, October 16, 2014, 7-8pm ET, scientists Jorge Vazquez and J.T. Reager from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory address how their synergistic research using data from the Aquarius/SAC-D and GRACE satellite missions helps us to understand Earth's water cycle, including extreme events such as floods. This presentation will use an online concept map tool for exploring the water cycle. Unlike traditional slide-based presentations, these dynamic maps act as a resource that can be explored with an audience, instead of a one-way, linear presentation. The concept maps presented are loaded with educational assets (images, videos, news items) that webinar participants can use in their own educational practices, presentations or for their own learning. The concept maps and other materials presented are freely available online. Instructions will be provided to give participants access to the maps after the webinar. Participants will also learn how to create their own maps. To take part in this exciting webinar!
And from now through Earth Science Week and beyond, visit The ESW blog where you'll find a growing collection of first-hand stories from NASA Earth explorers, resources for all ages, and more.
type: globe-news
News origin: GLOBE Implementation Office