Blogs - Trees around the GLOBE
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Have you ever seen a tree snap due to high winds or a lightning strike? Back in March 2020, I saw a beautiful Bradford Pear tree starting to bloom with its pale yellow-white blossoms. I thought that this would be a very nice, isolated tree to take a NASA GLOBE Observer tree height observation. Tree Height - March 15, 2020, 19.41m, Bradford Pear, Salisbury, Maryland USA Let's...
Did you know that your pace is a vital part of taking observations of tree height and land cover? A pace is a unit of length consisting either of one normal walking step, or of a double step, returning to the same foot, your dominant foot. Pacing Image above courtesy of Rothwell-Osnabruch K-12 School - Ontario, CanadaThe NASA GLOBE Observer Trees Tool uses your height to estimate your...
WOOHOO! It’s time to celebrate! The NASA GLOBE Observer just had its 25,000th citizen science tree height observation. The observation came in on November 30, 2020 from Corvallis, Oregon. Since the release of the NASAGO Trees Tool on March 26, 2019, there has been an average of 40 tree height observations taken per day across the GLOBE Program participant countries. Do you want to take...
NASA has released two new amazing videos related to trees, tree height and tree research.