Webinars - Trees around the GLOBE
Webinars are a vital part of the Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign. Each month we focus on the scientific research of trees, bringing in experts from around the world to share their current research experiences with trees and the importance of the GLOBE protocol measurements to understanding our planet's trees and their roles in our Earth's ecosystem. During the webinars, we will hear from researchers from inside and outside of NASA, GLOBE Students and Teachers, and Citizen Scientists.
Please send an email to Campaign Lead, Brian Campbell, if you have interest in joining the webinars. You will then have the opportunity to join the campaign email listserv and receive timely and valuable campaign information and announcements.
Upcoming Campaign Webinars for Year 7
A SPECIAL TREES AROUND THE GLOBE STUDENT RESEARCH CAMPAIGN WEBINAR: Tuesday, 15 April 2025 @ 12:00pm EDT (16:00 UTC, 18:00 CEST). Revealing Hints about Climate and Ecological Dynamics through Modeling Flowering Tree Phenology, Spatial Distribution, and Flower Traits, including a Request for GLOBE Program Participants. Flower traits such as color rely on pigments that determine their color and contribute to the spectral patterns that flowering plants exhibit. However, remote sensing of plant phenology has almost exclusively focused on studying leafing and greenness dynamics, dismissing flowering, the reproductive phase of approximately 90% of all known plant species. Our featured speaker, Dr. Yoseline Angel will discuss a novel scalable method — focusing on ground to satellite observations — that she developed with her team. The method was inspired by how pollinators perceive flowers through their ultraviolet, blue, green, and red photoreceptors (~300-800 nm). Following the featured science talk, we will discuss Dr. Angel’s request of GLOBE participants to use the GLOBE Observer Land Cover and Trees tools to find and document Tabebuia trees in Mexico through Central America and parts of western South America.
Tabebuia is a genus of flowering plants. The ones of major interest to Dr. Angel and her team are:
Guayacan amarillo (Central and South America)
Arbol de la primavera (Mexico)
Cañaguate (Colombia)
Araguaney (Venezuela)
Roble amarillo (South America)
Tuesday, 29 April 2025 @ 1:00pm EDT (17:00 UTC, 18:00 CET). The State of Trees – April 2025. Trees and their impact on carbon storage and surface temperature, a comparative student research study of trees in Argentina and the United States, with a special GLOBE data presentation from students at the SNJB’s College of Engineering, India. This webinar, the 80th monthly webinar for the campaign, will feature a student research collaboration between GLOBE Program students and educators in Argentina at the National University of Comahue and in United States at the University of Texas at Tyler. We will hear from students in both locations and how they collaborated to research the impact of trees on carbon storage and surface temperature. The students at both locations focused on questions such as:
- How much carbon do urban trees store on the UN Comahue and UT Tyler campuses?
How does carbon stock per square meter and tree biomass vary between the campuses?
Are there differences in height and carbon storage between native forests, urban forests, parks, and campuses?
How do trees and cloud cover influence surface temperature moderation?
Are there differences between field and satellite tree height measurements
Also, during this webinar, we will have a special presentation by computer engineering students at the SNJB's Late Sau. K. B. Jain College of Engineering, India. The research project presentation, "GLOBE Cloud Data Explorer: Insights from Citizen Science Observations using the GLOBE API," utilizes the GLOBE API and Python-based data analysis to explore environmental parameters recorded by citizen scientists. The system enables users to fetch and analyze both individual GLOBE Observer data and collective GLOBE team observations, offering insights into the frequency, distribution, and trends of recorded sky conditions. This presentation will set the stage for the May 2025 campaign webinar where we will have students across GLOBE present their 2025 IVSS research projects.
Archived Webinars, GLOBE Regional Coordinators Videos, and Workshops from Year 7
The State of Trees Under Snow Part II – March 2025. Featuring Results from the February 2025 Snow View Intensive Observation Period with a focus on snow and ice land cover observations. During this webinar, the Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign team focused on the results of the February 2025 Snow View Intensive Observation Period (IOP) and how these observations fit into how we look at land cover change in real-time and in the past. The webinar highlighted some land cover observations during and after a large snowfall and featured some observations from across the GLOBE community, including "The Trees Inside My Skis" with Peder Nelson. We also highlighted the latest GLOBE Observer Trees Science Blog, “GLOBE Observer Trees Just Got Even Better!” The webinar was attended live by participants from Argentina, Brazil, Croatia, India, Italy, Switzerland, and the United States.
Links to resources shown during the webinar
Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign Survey (Please fill out!)
Peder Nelson's 2025 Snow View IOP Collection of YouTube video shorts (playlist)
February 2025 GLOBE Snow View Intensive Observation Period (IOP)
Blog: "ICESat-2's Laser Fires 2 Trillionth Shot, Spots Clouds"
February 2025 GLOBE Observer Trees Science Blog: "GLOBE Observer Trees Just Got Even Better!"
March 2025 GLOBE Observer Connect Event: "Trees Update"
NASA Scientific Visualization Studio Cryosphere video: "The Snow Below"
Urban Heat Island Effect Surface Temperature IOP
Landsat Operational Land Imager (OLI) Online Tool
Exploring Snow and Land Surface Temperature Data AppEEARS
Tuesday, 11 February 2025 @ 1:00pm EST (18:00 UTC, 19:00 CET). The State of Trees Under Snow – February 2025. Featuring the February 2025 Snow View Intensive Observation Period in Relation to Land Cover, Trees, Clouds, and how Snow fits into our Classification System. We explored the current February 2025 Snow View Intensive Observation Period (IOP) and how you can share your view of snow – or lack of snow – in your community. At the beginning of the webinar, Brian Campbell highlighted campaign data metrics and introduced the participants to the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) Snow Science website. Following this, Peter Falcon showcased the NASA Eyes on Earth tool to highlight how you can see what various NASA satellites “see,” focusing on specific events like current snow and wildfire events. Following the NASA Eyes on the Earth demo, Peder Nelson discussed the importance of the Snow View IOP through the creation of fifteen short videos that took us from a location where there was no snow, all the way up to the high elevations where snow was dominant. The webinar ended with the discussion of a new Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign survey (link below webinar recording). The webinar was attended by participants from Argentina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Croatia, India, Italy, Pakistan, Switzerland, and the United States.
Links to resources shown during the webinar
Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign Survey (Please fill out!)
Peder Nelson's 2025 Snow View IOP Collection of YouTube video shorts (playlist)
National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) Snow Science
NASA Eyes on the Earth Interactive Website
February 2025 GLOBE Snow View Intensive Observation Period (IOP)
Norway’s Ålfotbreen Glacier Melting Faster in Recent Summers
Tuesday, 21 January 2025 @ 12:00pm EST (17:00 UTC, 18:00 CET). The State of Trees – January 2025. A brief on the European Phenology 2024 Autumn Tree Campaign, including GLOBE research presentations from GLOBE Europe and Eurasia students and educators. During this webinar, we heard all about the European Phenology 2024 Autumn Tree Campaign from Lenka Kleger of the GLOBE Europe and Eurasia Regional Coordination Office. During the campaign, there were 300 school teams with approximately 5,300 students across 26 countries were involved in student research. Following Lenka’s presentation, we heard from GLOBE Europe and Eurasia students and educators, from Croatia, Georgia, and Italy, and their campaign research projects, including land cover, green-down, tree height and tree identification, leaf pigment experiments and much more. Following the featured presentations, Peder Nelson introduced the upcoming Snow View Intensive Observation Period (IOP) for February 2025. The webinar was attended by participants from Argentina, Croatia, Estonia, Germany, Georgia, Greece, India, Italy, Netherlands, Pakistan, Portugal, Switzerland, and the United States.
Links to resources shown during the webinar
GLOBE European Phenology Campaign
The Upcoming "Best of GLOBE Europe & Eurasia 2025" Webinar
GLOBE European Phenology Campaign "Inspiration from GLOBE Schools" Padlet
February 2025 GLOBE Snow View Intensive Observation Period (IOP)
Medicinska škola Varaždin - Croatia
Istituto Comprensivo Statale "Edmondo De Amicis" - Italy
NASA Worldview - California Snow and Atmospheric Rivers
Forest expert launches fire manifesto
Thursday, December 5, 2024 @ 10:00am ET (15:00 UTC, 16:00 CET). The State of Trees – December 2024. Connecting with the 30 Years of GLOBE Webinar - A Tale of Two Scientists: Changes in Data and Technology over Time with Scientist Peder Nelson. In this 30 Years of GLOBE Campaign webinar, Peder Nelson, GLOBE Observer Land Cover science lead, provided an overview of the history of NASA's Landsat program, discussed how changes in technology have impacted remote sensing data over time, and made connections between GLOBE land cover data and satellite data.
Tuesday, November 12, 2024 @ 1:00pm EST (18:00 UTC, 19:00 CET). The State of Trees – November 2024. The NISAR Mission’s Role in Wetland Mapping: Advancing Environmental Monitoring with Dr. Erika Podest. This amazing webinar featured Dr. Erika Podest from the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Dr. Podest discussed the NASA NISAR Mission and her research on wetlands, a vital land cover. Wetlands cover less than 5% of the Earth’s ice-free land surface, yet they contribute approximately one-fourth of the total methane emitted into the atmosphere annually and serve as significant reservoirs of carbon, thereby influencing global climate dynamics. Climate change is expected to have a profound impact on wetlands ecosystems, affecting sea levels and altering hydrologic regimes, with some changes already being observed. This featured presentation explored how the NISAR satellite—a collaboration between NASA and the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), scheduled for launch in early 2025—will enhance our ability to detect and monitor wetland ecosystems and their critical roles in the carbon cycle. Following Dr. Podest's talk, Peder Nelson showcased forested wetland data using several online tools, including data from the SENTINEL-1 Mission from the European Space Agency, as well as discussing how wetland land cover data is vital to understanding climate change. The webinar was attended by participants from Argentina, Bangladesh, Brazil, Croatia, Greece, and the United States.
Links to resources shown during the webinar
GLOBE Implementation Office Introduction to NISAR Mission Webinar Video
Esri | SENTINEL-1 Explorer Tool
Tuesday, October 15, 2024 @ 1:00pm ET (17:00 UTC, 19:00 CET). The State of Trees – October 2024. Welcome to Year 7: An Overview of the Essential NASA Missions and Looking Towards the Present…….Data and what it can tell us! We began Year 7 of the campaign. During this webinar, the campaign team discussed the essential NASA missions (ICESat-2, GEDI, NISAR, and the Landsat series of satellites) that align to this campaign. We discussed what they “see” and what they can help you see, using either single spectral and/or multi-spectral bands. Following the satellites discussion, we began our trip into the last 30 years of the GLOBE Program data, aligning to the upcoming 2025 GLOBE IVSS. We started from the “Present,” and showcased an example of data collection and observations at the Palmyra Cove Nature Center in Palmyra Cove, New Jersey, USA. We will use this example in future webinars when we discuss the past and future data, and how to use these data to determine the land cover change of an area. The webinar was attended by participants from Argentina, Bangladesh, Brazil, Bulgaria, Croatia, Guatemala, India, Portugal, and the United States.
Links to resources shown during the webinar
USGS Earth Now! Landsat Image Viewer
Archived Webinars, GLOBE Regional Coordinators Videos, and Workshops from Year 6
Tuesday, 10 September 2024 @ 12:00 pm ET (16:00 UTC, 18:00 pm CEST). The State of Trees - September 2024. The End of Year 6: Looking at Change Over Time with Tree Height and Land Cover, with a Special Presentation from Student at Primary School Dubovac, Karlovac, Croatia. We said farewell to Year 6 of the campaign with a look back at the tree height and land cover data that can be used to look at change over time, including over the last six years. The webinar featured a special presentation from students (and teacher Snježana Marković-Zoraja) at the Primary School Dubovac, Karlovac in Croatia. The presentation was on the detailed research the students did at the "Karlovac Promenade." This presentation built off their award-winning 2024 GLOBE IVSS project, "Monitoring and Protection of Marmont Alley," which was featured and presented at the 2024 GLOBE Annual Meeting at the State University of New York-Fredonia in July 2024. The webinar also highlighted tree height observations from ICESat-2 and the GEDI instrument on the International Space Station and data from the online tools: Open Altimetry and Global Forest Canopy Height. Year 7 of the campaign begins October 1, 2024. The webinar also paid tribute to the recent passing of Dr. Pornpun Waitayangkoon, GLOBE Thailand Country Coordinator. The webinar was attended by participants from Argentina, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Mexico, North Macedonia, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, and the United States.
Links to resources shown during the webinar
Open Altimetry Online Tool for ICESat-2 Height and Elevation Data
Global Land Analysis & Discovery (GLAD)
Google Earth Engine Apps Global Forest Canopy Height
GLOBE Observer Connect for September 2024
Tuesday, 20 August 2024 @ 1:00 pm ET (17:00 UTC, 7:00 pm CEST). The State of Trees – August 2024. Continuing to Make Sense of the Land Cover and Tree Height Observations, including Lessons Learned from the Live Webinar at the 2024 GLOBE Annual Meeting. This webinar continued the discussion of the importance of taking GLOBE ground-based land cover and tree height observations and making comparisons to the space-based NASA satellite data. During the webinar, the campaign team discussed how to view and analyze tree height and land cover data, using online tools such as the GLOBE Visualization System, NASA Worldview, Land Cover Viewer, My NASA Data Literacy Cubes, Open Altimetry, Earth Map, among others. Brian Campbell showed how you can compare tree height observations, of the same trees, with multiple online data observation and analysis tools. Peder Nelson showcased tree height and land cover observation maps, using both his data and the data from SUNY - Fredonia professors and students. During the webinar, we also dove a bit deeper into the interviews with Dr. Sorin Popescu (with ICESat-2) and Dr. Bruce Cook (with Landsat Next). The webinar was attended by participants from Algeria, Argentina, Brazil, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Japan, Mexico, North Macedonia, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, Taiwan Partnership, Thailand, and the United States.
Video Interview with Dr. Sorin Popescu - Researcher and Professor, ICESat-2 Principal Investigator, Texas A&M University Ecology & Conservation Biology
Video Interview with Dr. Bruce Cook - NASA Physical Scientist, Landsat Next Project Scientist, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Links to resources shown during the webinar
Open Altimetry Online Tool for ICESat-2 Height and Elevation Data
Global Land Analysis & Discovery (GLAD)
Google Earth Engine Apps Global Forest Canopy Height
ICESat-2 Mangrove Science Site
My NASA Data Literacy Cube Guide
Get Data on the GLOBE Observer
United Nations Food and Agriculture Knowledge Repository
Tuesday, 16 July 2024 @ 1:00 pm ET (5:00pm UTC, 7:00 pm CEST). The State of Trees – July 2024. Live from the 2024 GLOBE Annual Meeting in Fredonia, New York USA: What does it mean to satellite match tree height and land cover? The webinar took place live from the 2024 GLOBE Annual Meeting in Fredonia, New York, U.S.A. During the webinar, Dr. Mike Jabot, Professor at the State University of New York - Fredonia (SUNY - Fredonia) and host for the 2024 GLOBE Annual Meeting discussed both the historical and geological importance of SUNY - Fredonia and welcomed us to the university. Campaign team members Brian Campbell and Peder Nelson discussed tree height and land cover observations at the Forever Wild Forest on the SUNY - Fredonia campus and comparisons of the data to ICESat-2 and Landsat. During the last half of the webinar, Peder Nelson took us on a live land cover tour of the immediate area and performed live GLOBE Observer Land Cover and Tree Height observations. During the webinar, there were participants from Argentina, Brazil, Croatia, Japan, Pakistan, Oman, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, and the United States.
Tuesday, 25 June 2024 @ 1:00 pm ET (5:00 pm UTC, 7:00 pm CEST). The State of Trees – June 2024. Wrangling of Tree Data: Building the Bridge Between Your Field Measurements and Satellite Data. During the webinar, Peder Nelson, Oregon State University, Professor and Researcher, GLOBE Program Partner, and GLOBE Observer Land Cover Science Lead highlighted several lessons and online data that can assist educators assist students in bridging the gap between the ground-based GLOBE measurements and the satellite data. Often, students have a difficult time completing the link between the data they collect to the data returned from the satellites. The Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign has made this connection a vital part of the campaign and this webinar will continue to reinforce this connection. Peder showcased the wrangling and analysis of tree height and land cover data, from GLOBE and space-based mission, that allows for building that often-difficult bridge between the GLOBE field measurements and NASA satellite and instrument data. Also, during the webinar, Brian Campbell showcased the Open Altimetry online tool and focused on the State University of New York, Fredonia's "Forever Wild" forest sanctuary tree height observations from the NASA ICESat-2 satellite mission. The webinar was attended by participants from Argentina, Bulgaria, Croatia, India, Japan, Oman, Pakistan, Sri Lanka (including a great group of students from Royal College in Colombo, Sri Lanka), Switzerland, Thailand, and the United States.
Links to resources shown during the webinar
Open Altimetry Online Tool for ICESat-2 Height and Elevation Data
Esri | Sentinel-2 Land Cover Explorer
GLOBE Spanish Tutorial Page including Open Altimetry
Tuesday, 28 May 2024 @ 3:00 pm Japan Time (2:00 am ET, 6:00 UTC, 8:00 am CEST). The State of Trees – May 2024. Live From Japan at the 2024 Japan Geoscience Union Meeting (JpGU): Revisiting the Water-Land-Tree Boundary and the “2023 Where is the Water Challenge” through the use on NASA Datasets and NASA Worldview.
Part 1: Tuesday, 28 May 2024 @ 3:00 pm Japan Time (2:00 am ET, 6:00 UTC, 8:00 am CEST). The State of Trees – May 2024. Live From Japan at the 2024 Japan Geoscience Union Meeting (JpGU): Revisiting the Water-Land-Tree Boundary and the “2023 Where is the Water Challenge” through the use on NASA Datasets and NASA Worldview. Part 1: Live from the 2024 Japan Geoscience Union Meeting. Two Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency's (JAXA) Earth Observation Research Center (EORC) scientists, Dr. Masato Ohki and Mr. Kosuke Yamamoto discussed their research focusing on Earth observations, including land cover, precipitation satellite remote sensing and more. Following the JAXA presentations, Peder Nelson discussed scientific data and the patterns of GLOBE data, highlighting the trends of land cover and trees data from 2018 - 2024. Part I of the webinar was attended, at JpGU, by approximately 200 local students, educators, and researchers from Japan and virtually from several GLOBE countries, including Argentina, Croatia, Japan, Philippines, Switzerland, and the United States.
Part 2: Tuesday, 28 May 2024 @ 1:00 pm ET (17:00 UTC, 7:00 pm CEST). The State of Trees – May 2024. Live From Japan at the 2024 Japan Geoscience Union Meeting (JpGU): Revisiting the Water-Land-Tree Boundary and the “2023 Where is the Water Challenge” through the use on NASA Datasets and NASA Worldview. Part 2 of the webinar was led by Peder Nelson, who continued a deep dive into the scientific data and the patterns of GLOBE data, highlighting the trends of land cover and trees data from 2018–2024.
Tuesday, 23 April 2024 @ 1:00 pm ET (17:00 pm UTC, 6:00 pm CET). The State of Trees – April 2024. Student Research Presentations of Trees and Land Cover from the 2024 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium: Highlighting projects from several GLOBE Countries. Students and educators from Argentina, Croatia, Nigeria, and the United States presented (live and recorded) their trees, vegetation, and land cover-related student research projects that were submitted to the 2024 GLOBE Program's International Virtual Science Symposium. We also heard from Alicia Carlson about the North America Phenology Campaign and from Lenka Kleger about the European Phenology Campaign. We learned each of these student research projects are making a difference in real-world environmental science and how they are beneficial to local, regional, and global issues. The webinar was attended by many students and educators from Argentina, Croatia, Nigeria, and the United States. We also had many participants from Argentina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Colombia, Croatia, Czech Republic, India, Kenya, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Switzerland, United States, and Uruguay.
Links to resources shown during the webinar
North America Phenology Campaign
Tuesday, March 19, 2024 @ 1:00 pm ET (17:00 pm UTC, 6:00 pm CET). The State of Trees - March 2024. It’s Never Too Early or Late to Start Your Research: Looking at Research Methods through Repeat Observations, Repeat Data Analysis, Remote Sensing, and the Research Visions, Questions, and Processes of ICESat-2 and Landsat Next Scientists. We dove even deeper into student research relating to trees and landcover with "Research Road-Mapping 2.0." The webinar highlighted interviews with Dr. Sorin Popescu (with ICESat-2) and Dr. Bruce Cook (with Landsat Next) and focused on how scientists with ICESat-2 and Landsat Next have visions of the science and real-world applicability of the science from their respective missions and how they prepare for research by coming up with research questions that are used to fulfill their scientific visions of these vital Earth-Observing Missions. We also returned back, with our own scientist extraordinaire, Peder Nelson, to the need for, and importance of, students, teachers, and GLOBE Observer volunteers to take repeat measurements of single trees and same land cover. Participants from Argentina, Bangladesh, Canada, Colombia, Croatia, India, Italy, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Switzerland, and United States attended the webinar.
Links to resources shown during the webinar
GLOBE Observer Connect Event for March 2024
GLOBE Eclipse Challenge 2024: Clouds and Our Solar-Powered Earth
Tuesday, 13 February 2024 @ 1:00 pm ET (18:00 UTC, 7:00 pm CET). The State of Trees – February 2024. Roadmapping Student Research for IVSS 2024 through data analysis, data synthesis, and first-hand experience with a GLOBE Teacher Superstar! We continued our discussion on student research methods and ideas for the GLOBE 2024 International Virtual Science Symposium “Climate Investigations: Understanding Earth as a System” as part of the GLOBE Year of Climate and Carbon Campaign. Our featured presentation was from GLOBE Superstar Teacher, Ms. Diana Johns, from Crestwood High School in Dearborn Heights, Michigan, USA. We heard, in detail, how Ms. Johns has been working with her exemplary students preparing student research projects for GLOBE IVSS over many years, highlighting international collaborations, and showing how her students work with GLOBE data and discover tips on what does and doesn't work when working to develop and implement successful student research projects.
We discussed the three questions posed at the January 2024 Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign webinar:
The webinar was attended by GLOBE participants from Benin, Bulgaria, Croatia, India, Italy, Pakistan, Poland, Switzerland, and the United States.
Links to resources shown during the webinar
Crestwood High School on GLOBE
Peder Nelson's StoryMap on the Oregon State University Apollo 14 Douglas-fir Moon Tree
GLOBE Program's YouTube Channel
GLOBE Program's International Virtual Science Symposium (IVSS)
Tuesday, January 16, 2024 @ 1:00pm EST (6:00pm UTC, 7:00pm CET). The State of Trees – January 2024. Revisiting the Miyawaki Forests through carbon and land cover and a discussion on the Year of Open Science and the needs of campaign participants for IVSS 2024. This webinar began the new calendar year with a brief revisit to the Miyawaki Forests from our December 5, 2023, webinar. Our own Peder Nelson discussed how NASA and GLOBE data can be synthesized for student research, including the use of online tools to determine what the data means, is the data and data location accurate, and how you can use ground-based and space-based data for student research. Also, during the webinar, we focused on the details of the Year of Open Science (including Open Science 101). We finished the webinar with a concentrated Q&A session and the started discussing the needs of campaign participants for the upcoming 2024 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium (IVSS). We asked the webinar participants to think about the follow questions for IVSS 2024 for an upcoming discussion during the 13 February 2024 campaign webinar:
The webinar was attended by participants from 10 GLOBE countries (Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Croatia, India, Italy, Pakistan, Poland, Switzerland, and the United States).
Links to resources shown during the webinar
The Miyawaki Method for Creating Forests
STEM Enhancement in Earth Science (SEES) Summer High School Intern Program
GLOBE Observer Connect: January 2024
EarthWeek: Diary of a Changing World
Copernicus Global Land Cover Viewer
Tuesday, December 5, 2023 @ 10:00am EST (3:00pm UTC, 4:00pm CET). The State of Trees - December 2023. A Mini Forest Revolution around the Globe: Sharing experiences from Schools, Villages, and Urban Neighborhoods. Forests and trees are a vital part of our planet, providing habitats for our planet's creatures to playing an important role in our planet's carbon budget. During the webinar, participants heard from researchers, educators, business and program founders, and an author, in Belgium, India, Lebanon, and the United States, about their experiences with Miyawaki Forests and planting trees. From the planting of over 200,000 trees and over 100 forests in India, Belgium, to restoring forests in countries such as Belgium and France, reversing the deterioration of the Beirut River by planting native trees, to how creating forests, with students in the United States, has helped students understand the importance of trees and forests to our ever-changing planet. During the webinar, there were participants from 24 countries (Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Colombia, Croatia, Estonia, Ethiopia, Germany, Ghana, India, Italy, Japan, Lebanon, Mexico, Nepal, Oman, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Switzerland, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, and the United States).
Our featured presenters:
Emmanuel D’Silva, Agriculture & Environment Scientist, presented an overview of the Miyawaki Method used in setting up mini forests around the world.
Neelam Patil, Science Teacher, USA, spoke about the three-layered, ultra-dense forests she has created at Cragmont Elementary School in Berkeley, California with help from her students. She has also started a nonprofit, Green Pocket Forests, to bring Miyawaki forests to schools across the U.S.
Nicolas de Brabandère, Belgium, Founder, Urban Forests, narrated his experience in restoring native forests of Belgium “one pocket” at a time.
Adib Dada, Lebanon, is an Environmental Architect and Founder of “theOtherDada Regenerative Consulting and Architecture Practice.” He discussed his effort in trying to reverse the deterioration of Beirut River by planting native trees along its banks.
R.K. Nair, India, Businessman & Co-Founder of Forest Creators, discussed how he helped set up the world’s largest Miyawaki Forest in Bhuj, Gujarat that involved planting over 223,000 trees. He has installed 112 Miyawaki forests across India in partnerships with local governments and the corporate sector.
Hannah Lewis, author of the book “Mini-Forest Revolution”, discussed the future of Miyawaki forests.
Links to resources shown during the webinar
The Miyawaki Method for Creating Forests
Hannah Lewis's Book "Mini-Forest Revolution: Using the Miyawaki Method to Rapidly Rewild the World"
Urbem: Community. Nature. Connection
Tuesday, November 14, 2023 @ 1:00pm EST (6:00pm UTC, 7:00pm CET). The State of Trees – November 2023. Live from Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico: Looking at Carbon and Biomass Through Tree Height and Land Cover with Examples from Parque Morelos. The Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign Team was excited to broadcast live from Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, where we discussed the trees, land cover, and changes at Parque Morelos, in the center of the city. The webinar heard from several experts in the science, forestry, and the climate struggles that Mexico is facing with the loss of trees, changing land cover, increasing temperatures, and more. We talked to three local elders and a local scientist and consultant, as well as two experts from Reforestamos México from the organizer of the International Colloquium of Space & Sustainability currently being held in Guadalajara. Also, during this webinar, Peter Falcon highlighted his recent trip to Panama, working with students, teachers, and the GLOBE Latin America and Caribbean Region through ground-based observations and NASA science. During the webinar, there were participants from 16 countries (Argentina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Colombia, Croatia, India, Italy, Greece, Mexico, Nigeria, Oman, Kenya, Pakistan, Poland, Switzerland, and the United States).
Links to resources shown during the webinar
International Colloquium of Space & Sustainability in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico
Earth Map - Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico Global Forest Canopy Height and Land Cover
Archived Webinars, GLOBE Regional Coordinators Videos, and Workshops from Year 5
Tuesday, October 10, 2023 @ 1:00pm EDT (5:00pm UTC, 7:00pm CEST). The State of Trees – October 2023. The Start of Year 6: Aligning to the GLOBE Year of Climate and Carbon (YCC) through GLOBE tree height, land cover, greenings, and carbon cycle data and global student and campaign collaboration. This webinar marked the beginning of Year 6 for the Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign. In August 2023, the GLOBE Year of Climate and Carbon commenced. During this webinar, we discussed plans for the upcoming year of the campaign and presented metrics from the three-month NASA Moon Trees Quest. Our featured speaker, Grace Crain-Wright, the GIO Science Coordinator and the GLOBE Campaigns Lead, introduced the Year of Climate and Carbon (YCC): A GLOBE Action and Awareness Campaign. YCC is a new global campaign that aims to encourage GLOBE students and participants to seek a deeper understanding of changes emerging in their local ecosystems. This exploration is facilitated through data collection using a variety of GLOBE protocols, specifically phenology, biomass, and carbon protocols. Students and participants may contribute to the campaign in a variety of ways including entering GLOBE data, collaborating with another student or classroom, taking action in their local community, and more! Crain-Wright explained how the YCC Campaign aligns with the Trees Around the GLOBE Campaign and other ongoing and upcoming campaigns happening across the GLOBE community in all six regions. Just prior to the featured presentation, all webinar attendees discussed what they would like to see in Year 6 of the campaign. During the webinar, which was attended by GLOBE participants from nine countries (Argentina, Bulgaria, Colombia, Croatia, India, Italy, Pakistan, Poland, and the United States, including Puerto Rico), Peder Nelson highlighted the need for data collections, identifying land cover, and the importance of the next step from tree height measurement, carbon calculations.
Links to resources shown during the webinar
GLOBE Year of Climate and Carbon Campaign
Telling Our Tree Stories Resource Packet
My NASA Data Breaking Down the Big Questions at NASA Video
Cause and Effect: How Do Our Forests Change Over Time?
Global Aboveground and Belowground Biomass Carbon Density Maps for the Year 2010
Friday, September 8, 2023 @ 1:00pm EDT (5:00pm UTC, 7:00pm CEST). The State of Trees – September 2023. The Data Escape Hatch: Looking at Data and how Data Fusion can help us understand our local to global environments, including a featured discussion on the data fusion of USFS/GEDI Old Growth Forest Research. In the last webinar of Year 5 for the Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign, we focused on data, data, data, setting us up for the newly approved Year 6 of the campaign. Our featured speaker was Dr. Leo Calle of ESSIC/University of Maryland, with support from Dr. Ben Poulter, of the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. Dr. Calle discussed the recent United States Forest Service (USFS)/GEDI Old Growth Forest research and brought us into the discussion of data fusion, harmonized datasets, data software, looking at the Z-dimension of tree height. Our own, Peder Nelson, Oregon State University researcher and GLOBE Observer Land Cover Science Lead, led us in this discussion. We also discussed some of the plans for Year 6 of the campaign, and its alignment to the upcoming GLOBE Year of Climate and Carbon Campaign. The webinar was attended by participants from 9 GLOBE countries: Argentina, Bangladesh, Colombia, Croatia, India, Israel, Italy, Oman, and the United States.
Links to resources shown during the webinar
NASA Moon Trees Quest: Jen Bourgeault
USFS/GEDI Old Growth Forest Visualizations
Forest Inventory and Analysis DataMart
NASA Teams with Forest Service to Tally America’s Oldest Trees
Peder Nelson's Oregon State University Moon Tree StoryMap
Mature and Old-Growth Forests: Forest Service Climate Risk Viewer
Tuesday, August 22, 2023 @ 1:00pm EDT (5:00pm UTC, 7:00pm CEST). The State of Trees – August 2023. Biosphere Research Questions and Methods: The path to measuring the height of an individual tree to measuring the height of a forest. This dynamic webinar with the Trees Around the GLOBE Campaign Team discussed biosphere research questions and showcased some methods used to answer such questions. This was done through a discussion on data uncertainty with tree height and land cover, a combination of using online tools such as Google Earth Engine, Open Altimetry, NASA Worldview and NASA satellite data. We discussed the methods used to take the height of an individual tree to how space-based missions can take the height of an entire forest through data harmonization. A briefing on some of NASA's newest missions like NISAR, SWOT, others, ended the discussion and set up the campaign for the September 8, 2023, webinar. The webinar was attended by participants from 11 GLOBE countries: Argentina, Colombia, Croatia, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Oman, Switzerland, and the United States.
Links to resources shown during the webinar
NASA Moon Trees Quest: Dr. Erika Podest's Reel on Instagram
Zombie Forests of the West Coast Feature Article
Paper - "Low-Elevation Conifers in California's Sierra Nevada are out of equilibrium with climate"
Equations for Estimating Tree Growth and Carbon (Biomass)
Harmonized Landsat Sentinel-2 (HLS)
Tuesday, July 11, 2023 @ 1:00pm EDT (5:00pm UTC, 7:00pm CEST). The State of Trees – July 2023. Looking at Land Cover through the historic eyes of Landsat satellites, remote sensing and the interactive, DIY hand-held spectrometer tool, STELLA. This webinar was a continuation of looking at the earth through the historic eyes of the remote sensing satellite and a glimpse into STELLA – A do-it-yourself handheld spectrometer and analog to Landsat. In this redoubtable webinar, participants learned, from Mike Taylor at NASA GSFC, how to join STELLA on its indefatigable mission to throw down the formidable barriers to entry of owning your own spectrometer, for science observation, and how STELLA aims to democratize instrumentation and in-situ data. Moreover, we dove in headfirst and discovered how to collect and analyze data from STELLA giving us a whole new perspective on the world around us through this marvel of an instrument. Peder Nelson discussed how to use STELLA as part of our Trees Around the GLOBE observations. Participants learned from STELLA instrument experts and users in this information-packed webinar, where they tie into the connection of STELLA to GLOBE Observer land cover and how the instrument can assist greatly in the interplay between land cover photos and spectral measurements. The webinar was attended by student, educator, and researcher participants from 8 GLOBE countries: Argentina, Colombia, Croatia, Ghana, India, Italy, Nigeria, and the United States.
Links to resources shown during the webinar
USGS Eyes on Earth Episode 96: Generational Science
Tour of the Electromagnetic Spectrum
Tuesday, June 20, 2023 @ 1:00pm EDT (5:00pm UTC, 7:00pm CEST). The State of Trees – June 2023. Time Traveling with Trees: The NASA Moon Trees Program with Apollo 14 and Artemis and a Timeline of NASA Earth Observations from Space. The webinar looked back to the Apollo 14 Moon Trees Program and a look forward to the Artemis Mission Moon Trees Program, including a timeline of tree observations from the early 1970's through today and how space observation of trees and land cover has changed with the advancement of technology and the need to look at change over time. We also introduced the upcoming NASA Moon Trees Quest, highlighting the five species of Moon Trees and how the quest will ask GLOBE Observers to take tree height measurements of NASA Moon Tree species and actual Apollo 14 Moon Trees across the United States. The webinar was attended by student, educator, and researcher participants from 10 GLOBE countries: Argentina, Colombia, Croatia, Ghana, India, Italy, Oman, Poland, United States (including Puerto Rico), and Uruguay.
Links to resources shown during the webinar
Where is the Water? A GLOBE Observer Data Challenge
USGS Eyes on Earth Episode 96: Generational Science
USGS Mapping and Reporting: Individual Tree Species Parameters
GLOBE Observer Trees Resource Library
Timeline of Current and Future Earth Science Missions
Tour of the Electromagnetic Spectrum
Tuesday, May 9, 2023 @ 1:00pm EDT (5:00pm UTC, 7:00pm CEST). The State of Trees – May 2023. Looking at Land Cover and River Deltas with NASA Delta-X Mission, including a Discussion of Global Surface Water, Mangrove Science, and Trees with Wet Feet. The webinar featured Dr. Marc Simard, Senior Research Scientist and Principal Investigator for the NASA Delta-X Mission, at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California USA. During this webinar, Dr. Simard discussed how river deltas and their wetlands are drowning as a result of sea level rise and reduced sediment inputs and how the Delta-X mission determines which parts will survive and continue to grow, and which parts will be lost. All of this has a huge impact on our planet's land cover. Following the feature presentation, Peder Nelson continued the discussion on riparian land cover, with a focus on global surface water and mangroves, all part of the coastal ecosystem. Peter Falcon and Brian Campbell highlighted the importance of airborne campaigns and satellite campaigns, respectively, in the study of land cover and tree science. The webinar was attended by student, educator, and researcher participants from 13 GLOBE countries, including Argentina, Colombia, Croatia, Germany, Ghana, India, Israel, Italy, Nigeria, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland, and the United States.
Links to resources shown during the webinar
"Where is the Water? A GLOBE Observer Data Challenge"
GLOBE Hydrology Protocol (Water Turbidity)
Relevant past Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign webinars discussed:
Lessons from a Southern Old-Growth Bottomland Forest: Live from Congaree National Park
New Jersey Pinelands: The Nation's First National Preservation Area
Water Cycle and water-observing satellites discussed?
Global Precipitation Measurement Mission - GPM
The Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment Follow-on Mission - GRACE-FO
Cloud Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations Mission - CALIPSO
Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation Satellite-2 Mission - ICESat-2
Soil Moisture Active Passive Mission - SMAP
Wednesday, April 12, 2023 @ 1:00pm EDT (5:00pm UTC, 7:00pm CEST). The State of Trees – April 2023. The NASA Surface Water and Open Topography (SWOT) Mission and how it aligns to water edges and land cover. Dr. Ben Hamlington, Research Scientist in the Sea Level and Ice Group, in the Earth Sciences Section at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California USA discussed the NASA SWOT Mission, NASA's first global survey satellite of Earth's surface water, providing data for clean air and water, extreme events, and long-term environmental changes. Following Dr. Hamlington's presentation, Peder Nelson discussed how this mission aligns to the upcoming GLOBE Observer "Where is the Water? A GLOBE Observer Data Challenge," focusing on water edges, land cover, and mosquito habitats. Peder also recapped the results from the One-Week Paired Tree Height and Land Cover Paired Observations Intensive Observation Period by focusing on the importance of making and analyzing coincident data, specifically the tree height and land cover data. Several tools, such as the Global Surface Water Explorer and the Copernicus Land Cover Viewer online tools were highlighted. The webinar was attended by student, educator, and researcher participants from 11 GLOBE countries, including Argentina, Canada, Colombia, Croatia, Ghana, India, Italy, Japan, Oman, Pakistan, and the United States.
Links to resources shown during the webinar
SWOT Mission resources at the NASA Scientific Visualization Studio
Copernicus Global Land Cover Viewer
"Where is the Water? A GLOBE Observer Data Challenge"
Tuesday, March 7, 2023 @ 1:00pm ET (6:00pm UTC, 7:00pm CET). The State of Trees - March 2023: May the Forest Be With You: Mapping Ecosystem Structure and Understanding Global Carbon Balance with GEDI. This was the 55th webinar for the Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign. The Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation, or GEDI, measures the 3D structure of Earth from the International Space Station using near-infrared lasers. The data that GEDI collects are immensely valuable for improving our understanding of the world's forests and complex carbon cycles. In this presentation, GEDI scientist Dr. Adrián Pascual and research assistant Ms. Tali Schwelling, discussed GEDI mission status, future challenges and goals, the exciting ways in which GEDI is being used by scientists and stakeholders today, and why GEDI is important for studying trees even in our own backyards. Following the featured presentation, Peder Nelson brought us back to the GEDI data-rich Global Forest Canopy Height online tool. We introduced the upcoming 1-Week Paired Tree Height and Land Cover Intensive Observation Period (IOP) Towards the end of the webinar, we revisited the call, from the February 14 webinar, to all our campaign students (and teachers) about interviewing elders in the local community about the local changes in land cover and tree height over the last 10, 20, 50 years. The webinar was attended by student, educator, and researcher participants from 18 GLOBE countries, including Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Ghana, India, Italy, Japan, Nigeria, Poland, Switzerland, Taiwan Partnership, Slovenia, Slovakia, Trinidad and Tobago, and the United States (including Puerto Rico).
Links to resources shown during the webinar
GEDI Tree Canopy Height Data on Open Altimetry
Getting started with GEDI webinar
Global Forest Canopy Height 2019 Online Tool
Links to Resources for the "Talking to Your Elders About Trees and Land Cover" Video Activity for Students
Instruction Sheet for Students Creating the Video
Student child (minor) "Talking to Your Elders About Trees and Land Cover" NASA Media Release Form
Adult "Talking to Your Elders About Trees and Land Cover" NASA Media Release
Tuesday, February 14, 2023 @ 2:00pm ET (7:00pm UTC, 8:00pm CET). The State of Trees - February 2023: Local Comparisons of Change Over Time for Land Cover and Tree Height and a Call to Students! This was the 54th webinar for the Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign. The webinar focused on country comparisons of land cover and tree heights using online data mapping tools that the campaign has highlighted often and a discussion thinking about the growth rate of trees over time with the context of "Does your city/town have a tree plan?" Following this, the webinar put out a call to all our campaign students (and teachers) to interview elders in their local community about the local changes witnessed in land cover and tree height over the last 10, 20, 50 years. There were participants from 12 countries (Argentina, Benin, Brazil, Colombia, Croatia, Ghana, India, Israel, Italy, Slovenia, Switzerland, and the United States, including Puerto Rico).
Links to Resources for the "Talking to Your Elders About Trees and Land Cover" Video Activity for Students
Instruction Sheet for Students Creating the Video
Student child (minor) "Talking to Your Elders About Trees and Land Cover" NASA Media Release Form
Adult "Talking to Your Elders About Trees and Land Cover" NASA Media Release
Links to resources shown during the webinar
GLOBE Student Vloggers Page on Youtube - GLOBE Implementation Office (GIO)
GLOBE Student Vloggers: Trees and Climate
ARSET - Connecting Citizen Science with Remote Sensing Training
Tuesday, January 17, 2023 @ 10:30am ET (3:30pm UTC, 4:30pm CET). The State of Trees - January 2023: Setting a Baseline and a Look Back at the November 2022 International Forest Conference in Slovenia. The 53rd webinar for the Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign was the next step in getting students comfortable with all the data accessible for student research. By establishing a baseline for student research, we focused much of this webinar on how students locate and decide what trees to observe and include in their research. This concept falls on last month's presentation by Teacher, Deanna Danke and her students, who showcased this exact method. Our featured presentation was by Zoran Petrov, GLOBE Slovenia Country Coordinator. Zoran recapped the November 2022 International Forest Conference held in Bohinj, Slovenia and discussed how he has made GLOBE Slovenia a GLOBE Powerhouse in just the two years that Slovenia has been an official GLOBE country. Using all this information, we delved into the idea of looking at change over time, especially in those countries that are relatively new to GLOBE and don't have a lot of observations in the GLOBE database for their country. Peder Nelson highlighted Slovenia on the Copernicus Land Cover Viewer and discussed how other GLOBE countries can use this tool to look at forest and land cover change over time.
Links to resources shown during the webinar
Video - Slovenia Impressions - Forests: Our Green Lungs
GLOBE Country Land Cover Maps 2019 on Copernicus Land Cover Viewer
ARSET - Connecting Citizen Science with Remote Sensing Training
Landing page for Copernicus Land Cover Viewer 2019
Tuesday, December 6, 2022 @ 10:30am ET (3:30pm UTC, 4:30pm CET). The State of Trees: December 2022. The 52nd webinar for the Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign featured a presentation from Queens, New York teacher, Deanna Danke, and her students. The presentation focused on data density and multiple tree height and tree circumference observations from local trees near their school, the Msgr. McClancy High School. Autumn Burdick, GLOBE Program Senior Writer and Editor and the NASA GLOBE Observer Communications Director, highlighted the latest GLOBE Student Vloggers Project on trees and the importance of talking to elders about what they have witnessed in their changing environment. Our own, Peter Falcon discussed the UN Sustainable Development Goals and how they pertain to the Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign and Peter gave a recap of the GLOBE 2022 Europe and Eurasia Regional Meeting. We also highlighted the final metrics for the NASA GLOBE Trees Challenge 2022: Trees in a Changing Climate and showcase the distribution of tree heights between the 2021 Community Trees Challenge and NASA GLOBE Trees Challenge 2022. The webinar was attended by participants, including classes of students) from Algeria, Argentina, India, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Portugal, Switzerland, United States, and Uruguay.
Links to resources shown during the webinar
NASA GLOBE Trees Challenge 2022: Trees in a Changing Climate
The UN Sustainable Development Goals 2022 Report
The UN Sustainable Development Goals Communications Materials and Icons
GLOBE Program alignment to the UN Sustainable Development Goals
GLOBE Student Vloggers Page on Youtube - GLOBE Implementation Office (GIO)
Video showcasing the impact of the GLOBE Student Vloggers Program
GLOBE Student Vloggers: Trees and Climate
NASA Tour of the Electromagnetic Spectrum
Tuesday, November 8, 2022 @ 11:00am ET (4:00pm UTC, 5:00pm CET). Student Research by Example: Croatian Students Discuss their Tree Research and its Real-World Applications in the City of Karlovac and Dubovac District. This webinar was the second webinar for Year 5 of the Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign. Since Year 5 of the campaign will be heavily invested in guiding student research, students and educator, Snježana Zoraja, from Dubovac Primary School in Croatia described the details of their student research, as well as how they took their research results to their local town and decision-makers and implemented a real-world approach to their research findings. Following the student presentation, our own Peder Nelson highlighted some online tools (iTree, Google Earth Engine, and Land Cover Viewer), with examples from GLOBE Croatia, that students from all GLOBE countries can utilize in their student research on trees and land cover. During the webinar, we also showcased a brief portion of the upcoming GLOBE Student Vlogger research video, focusing on trees and real-life stories from those who have seen change environmental in their locations.
Links to resources shown during the webinar
NASA GLOBE Trees Challenge 2022: Trees in a Changing Climate
Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign Online Tools Tutorial Videos
iTree Canopy: A tree canopy assessment tool
Tuesday, October 11, 2022 @ 2:00pm EDT (6:00pm UTC). Year 5 Kickoff: The importance of trees and land cover, student research, and the NASA GLOBE Trees Challenge 2022: "Trees in a Changing Climate." This webinar served as the starting point for Year 5 of the Trees round the GLOBE Student Research Campaign. During the webinar, the campaign team focused on three guiding research questions, discuss the importance of taking tree height and land cover measurements, highlight upcoming events like the 2022 Pecora Conference and the NASA GLOBE Trees Challenge 2022: Trees in a Changing Climate. We heard from Josh Enterkine, research at Boise State University about the many methods he and his colleagues engage in when doing scientific research. We also heard from Peder Nelson about all the way we can research trees and land cover using online tools, with a focus on highlighting city tree inventories. The webinar was attended by participants from Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, India, Nigeria, Switzerland, and the United States.
Check out the video with Josh Enterkine, researcher from Boise State University. Josh discusses his science research methods in this one-on-one interview
Links to resources shown during the webinar
NASA GLOBE Trees Challenge 2022: Trees in a Changing Climate
Activities Discussed:
Hand-held Clinometer vs NASA GLOBE Observer Trees Tool
Stories Trees Tell: Learning the Language of Out Tall Forest Friends and Tree Cookies
Tree Life Cycle: A Journey from Seed to Soil
Archived Webinars, GLOBE Regional Coordinators Videos, and Workshops from Year 4
Wednesday, September 21, 2022 @ 1:30pm EDT (5:30pm UTC). Planting Roots and Leaving a Legacy Behind and Setting the Research Stage for Year 5 of the Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign Focus: North America. This webinar was the final webinar for Year 4 of the Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign. Next month (October 2022) will begin Year 5. During this webinar, there were several guest speakers, led by teacher Julie Houck, of Defiance Elementary School in Defiance, Ohio. Julie began by discussing how she and her students have used resources as a GLOBE teacher to reach the community and beyond, including how she wrote a successful grant, using GLOBE connections, to expand into the local community. Julie's efforts have extended to The Defiance Soil and Water Department, the GLOBE B-Wet Program, Defiance College, as well as a local county commissioner's office. There was a variety of speakers from these groups joining in on the discussion. This type of collaboration propelled us into talking about several activities, including the Future of Forests and My Tree Map, for inside and outside the classroom, and how we can bring students together, help to develop student research topics using new and archived GLOBE data, and set the stage for guided student research, during Year 5 of the campaign, and for collaboration with other GLOBE schools for student research. During the webinar, we highlighted the three Year 5 guiding research questions: Where are the trees in your area? How tall are the trees? Are the trees getting taller and denser? The webinar was attended by participants from Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, India, Israel, Nigeria, Switzerland, and the United States.
Links to resources shown during the webinar
Climate Change Scientist Cards
The Future of Forests Activity
NASA GLOBE Trees Challenge 2022: Trees in a Changing Climate (11 October - 11 November 2022)
GLOBE Advanced Data Access System (ADAT)
Tuesday, August 16, 2022 @ 1:00pm EDT (5:00pm UTC). Focusing on Students and Educators as they prepare for Year 5 of the Campaign and the 2023 GLOBE IVSS: Featuring Highlights from the U.S. Forest Service’s Tree Canopy Cover Layer and U.S. Tree Mapping and Monitoring. Focus: North America. This webinar brought the campaign to the GLOBE North America Region with a focus on activities that can assist students and teachers, from all across GLOBE, with their tree, land cover, greenings, and carbon cycle research, as part of the Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign. Our guest speaker, Stacie Bender, Physical Scientist at the USDA Forest Service Geospatial Technology and Applications Center (GTAC) discussed "Tree Canopy Cover Data from the USDA Forest Service." The webinar also featured an open forum, with three breakout rooms, to discuss any ideas, concerns, and questions regarding the upcoming Year 5 of the campaign and student research for GLOBE IVSS 2023.
Links to resources shown during the webinar
World Data Service for Paleoclimatology manages the International Tree-Ring Data Bank (ITRDB)
New Trees Publications - Environmental Research Letters
Stories Trees Tell - "Tree Cookies" Activity
Survivors reflect on the day the Pagami Creek Fire exploded 10 years ago
MRLC Land Cover Viewer (*NOTE: the link It defaults to the land cover product in the National Land Cover Database, but you can turn on the tree canopy cover piece through the left side)
Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign Online Tools Tutorial Videos
Tuesday, July 12, 2022 @ 11:00am EDT (12:00pm Suriname Time, 3:00pm UTC). From Tree Tops to Coastal Waters – mapping Coastal Wetlands in 3 Dimensions with NASA data and a look at mangrove work with Green Heritage Fund Suriname. Coastal land and seascapes (seagrasses, mangroves, coral reefs, tidal flats) support the livelihoods of over 3 billion people in 100+ countries, they offer protection from extreme weather events, provide 25% of the oceanic carbon pool and support 25% of global biodiversity. Despite their economic and ecological importance, the extent of coastal ecosystems, and the activities that were driving the changes in these ecosystems were poorly quantified. Furthermore, understanding the spatial patterns of coastal ecosystem structure – both above and below water – are important in valuing the ecosystem services that these areas provide and predicting the vulnerability to human caused and natural threats.
During the webinar, Dr. Lola Fatoyinbo showcased how NASA Earth Observing data and research, including multi-year time-series from Landsat, and terrestrial and underwater elevation data from airborne and space-borne Sensors such as SRTM, GEDI and ICESat-2, monitors these ecosystems in three dimensions and through time. During this webinar, we also heard from Genevieve Sontowinggolo and Monique Pool, at the Green Heritage Fund Suriname, about their work on developing a mangrove protocol and working with local communities in the Districts of Coronie and Nickerie, Suriname, as well as an expansion to a third coastal district in Suriname. The webinar was attended, live, by 28 participants from 14 countries (Argentina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Colombia, Croatia, India, Israel, Nigeria, Oman, Peru, Switzerland, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, and the United States.
Links to resources shown during the webinar
James Webb Space Telescope First Light
New Trees Publications - Environmental Research Letters
NASA Finds Cause of Florida Mangrove Forest Die-off
ARSET - Remote Sensing for Mangroves in Support of the UN Sustainable Development Goals
ARSET - Investigating Time Series of Satellite Imagery
NASA GLOBE Land Cover Challenge 2022: Land Cover in a Changing Climate
NASA Scientific Visualization Studio - GEDI Instrument
Interviewed by Brian Campbell, Mariana Savino, the Coordinator of the GLOBE Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) Region, discusses the Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign, students doing exceptional research, for GLOBE IVSS and beyond, in the GLOBE LAC her region and the importance of taking local observations of tree height and land cover, as well as sharing student research projects across the GLOBE.
Tuesday, June 14, 2022 @ 2:00pm EDT (3:00pm Argentina Time, 6:00pm UTC). Highlighting GLOBE Argentina Student Research of Tree Height Land Cover, and Riverside Environments in Junín de los Andes and La Rioja. Region Focus: Latin America and Caribbean. For this webinar, we entered our two-month focus on the GLOBE Latin America and Caribbean Region. During the webinar, we heard from secondary students from the town of Junín de los Andes, high school students from the Argentine province of La Rioja, as well as university students. You can see links to all their presentations below the recording. The students focused their in-depth student research presentations on tree height, land cover, and riverside environments. The student talks were all being organized by Ana Prieto from GLOBE Argentina and advisor to the Huechulafquen Science Club. We also highlighted the last 3 years of IVSS projects submitted by the GLOBE Latin America and Caribbean Region, focusing on biometry observations. In part one of an interview, Mariana Savino, the Coordinator of the GLOBE Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) Region, discussed the Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign, students doing exceptional research, for GLOBE IVSS and beyond, in the GLOBE LAC her region and the importance of taking local observations of tree height and land cover, as well as sharing student research projects across the GLOBE.
Links to the student presentations
"Characterization of the riparian vegetation of the Chimehuin River. Preliminary results"
"Characterization of forest and steppe cover in Santa Cruz, Famatina, La Rioja”
Tuesday, May 10, 2022 @ 11:00am EDT (3:00pm UTC, 5:00pm CEST, 6:00pm Arabian Standard Time). Highlighting Biometry Measurements Through Student Research Projects and Online Tools within the GLOBE Europe and Eurasia and GLOBE Near East and North Africa Regions. Region Focus: Near East and North Africa and a return to GLOBE Europe and Eurasia. During this webinar, we showcased some exciting student research projects from this region, as well as having student presenters returning from the GLOBE Europe and Eurasia Region, highlighting their biometry student research in Croatia. We also featured several student research projects from Saudi Arabia, and the United States, with a focus on biometry tree height and land cover. During the webinar, we highlighted some important data from the Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) with the research entitled, "Lasering in on the Corn with GEDI. We also heard from Salma Al Zubi from the GLOBE Near East and North Africa Region in Amman, Jordan. She discussed the Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign, teachers and students doing exceptional research in parts of her region, specifically Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and other countries, and the importance of taking local observations of tree height, land cover, greenings, and carbon cycle, as well as conducting student research projects. The webinar was attended, live, by participants from Argentina, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Croatia, India, Jordan, Malta, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, Pakistan, and the United States.
Peter Falcon, Salma Al Zubi, from the GLOBE Near East and North Africa Regional Coordination Office, discusses the Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign, teachers and students doing exceptional research in parts of her region, specifically Saudi Arabia and Bahrain, and the importance of taking local observations of tree height, land cover, greenings, and carbon cycle, as well as conducting student research projects. Interviewed by
Links to resources shown during the webinar
ICESat-2 Orbit App for Android
Lasering in on the Corn Fields with GEDI
Unique Trees from National Geographic
Featured Presentations:
Saudi Arabia: Saudi Green Initiative (see webinar recording above at 50:43 - 58:53)
Ecosystem Engineering at Mangrove Site in Al Muthailif Coastline
Analyzing Local Land Cover Data Using Surrounding Data
Examining Environmental and Structural Impact of Extreme Events on Land Cover
Tuesday, April 19, 2022 @ 1:00pm EDT (5:00pm UTC). Global crop modeling and climate-related implications for future food productivity with Dr. Jonas Jaegermeyr: Highlighting the GLOBE Near East and North Africa Region. Focus: GLOBE Near East and North Africa Region. The Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign transitioned from the GLOBE Europe and Eurasia Region to the GLOBE Near East and North Africa Region. Dr. Jaegermeyr, Research Scientist, Columbia University Climate School and NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, New York, New York USA, introduced AgMIP, the Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project, and presented latest estimates of potential climate change impacts on future crop productivity. AgMIP brings together the leading international crop modeling teams and provides a key assessment framework for improving our understanding of climate change implications for global agriculture and for developing adaptation and mitigation pathways to provide a healthy and sustainable diet for all. This presentation highlighted recent work from the global crop modeling community and introduced a new metric — time of climate impact emergence — that looks at future climate-related challenges from a risk perspective. The research extends its focus to how average global crop yields for maize, or corn, may see a decrease of 24% by late century if current climate change trends continue. Wheat, in contrast, may see an uptick in crop yields by about 17%. The change in yields is due to the projected increases in temperature, shifts in rainfall patterns and elevated surface carbon dioxide concentrations due to human-caused greenhouse gas emissions, making it more difficult to grow maize in the tropics and expanding wheat’s growing range. Dr. Jaegermeyr highlighted some of these trends seen in the Near East and North Africa Region. The webinar featured Part I of an interview with Salma Al Zubi from GLOBE Jordan and the GLOBE Near East and North Africa Regional Coordination Office. The campaign team showcased tree height, land cover, and land use in the GLOBE Near East and North Africa Region. The webinar was attended, live, by participants from Argentina, Croatia, India, Malta, Oman, Pakistan, and the United States.
Links to resources shown during the webinar
ICESat-2 Orbit App for Android
PNAS Paper: The number of tree species on Earth
Land Cover Maps
Land Cover (with Tree Height Statistics) Map for all 126 GLOBE Program countries
Land Cover (with Tree Height Statistics) Map for GLOBE Asia and Pacific Region (19 countries)
Land Cover (with Tree Height Statistics) Map for GLOBE Africa Region (27 countries)
Land Cover (with Tree Height Statistics) Map for GLOBE Europe and Eurasia Region (45 countries)
Land Cover (with Tree Height Statistics) Map for GLOBE North America Region (2 countries)
The Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign, GLOBE European Phenology Campaign, UNEP/GRID-Warsaw Centre (coordinator of GLOBE Poland), and the Urban Heat Island Effect - Surface Temperature Field Program, would like to invite you to participate in the Spring 2022 GLOBE Tree Height and Land Cover Intensive Observation Period (IOP) from 22 April through 22 May 2022. You can participate in the IOP by collecting as many Tree Height and Land Cover observations as you wish, using the GLOBE protocol observations and/or the GLOBE Program's app, GLOBE Observer. We are hoping to get as much concentrated data in locations from all across the world to help student and professional researchers across the globe.
In 2019, NASA and UNEP signed an agreement to work together on GLOBE and UNEP activities including collaboration on environmental education, citizen science and environmental data collection and distribution. The Spring 2022 IOP is part of the 4th year of the Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign and will align to the GLOBE European Phenology 2022 Spring Tree Campaign, the 25th anniversary of GLOBE Poland, and the 50th anniversary of the United Nations Environmental Programme. The IOP also parallels the 50th anniversary of the NASA-USGS Landsat Program, with its 50 years of remote sensing Earth observations, and the NASA Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation Satellite-2 (ICESat-2) mission’s observations of tree height from space.
Will you join us in celebrating these milestones by taking vital tree height and land cover observations that will benefit global science research and provide important ground-based data for student and professional researchers?
Wednesday, April 6, 2022 @ 11:00am EDT (3:00pm UTC). Spring 2022 Tree Height and Land Cover Intensive Observation Period (IOP) Kick-off Webinar. The Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign, in collaboration with the GLOBE European Phenology Campaign, United Nations Environment Programme/Global Resource Information Center (UNEP/GRID) Warsaw Centre, GLOBE Poland, and the Urban Heat Island Effect - Surface Temperature Field Campaign, held a special kick-off webinar for the Spring 2022 Tree Height and Land Cover Intensive Observation Period (IOP). The webinar was attended, live, by participants from Argentina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Colombia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Greece, India, Ireland, Italy, Kenya, Malta, Peru, Poland, Switzerland, and the United States.
Spring 2022 IOP Kickoff Webinar Presentations:
GPM, Climate Change and Trees (Dorian Janney)
Looking at Trees from Below - European Phenology Campaign (Bara Semerakova)
GLOBE: Study the Urban Heat Island Effect (Dr. Kevin Czajkowski)
UNEP @ Spring 2022 Tree Height and Land Cover IOP (Magda Biesiada)
UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 25 years of GLOBE Poland (Ela Wołoszyńska-Wiśniewska)
Links to resources shown during the webinar
Urban Heat Island Effect Page for Students
Creation of Urban Het Islands Story Map
MODIS Collections in Google Earth Engine
Wednesday, March 2, 2022 @ 1:00pm EST (6:00pm UTC). All About the European Phenology 2022 Spring Tree Campaign with Student Research Presentations from Across the GLOB E Europe and Eurasia Region. Region Focus: Europe and Eurasia. This webinar was the second month of the Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign focus on the GLOBE Europe and Eurasia Region. During the webinar, Bára Semeráková of the GLOBE Europe and Eurasia Regional Coordination Office discussed the GLOBE European Phenology's 2022 Spring Tree Campaign and its goals for students to observe trees from buds to leaves, using the GLOBE Green Up and Biometry Tree Height protocols, to find out how important the role of trees are in the carbon cycle. Following Bára’s presentation, several student research groups across GLOBE Europe and Eurasia (Croatia - live, Malta - live, Switzerland, - live and Ukraine-pre-recorded) presented on their Spring 2022 tree research projects, including those to be submitted to the 2022 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium (IVSS). The Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign Team revisited the GLOBE Europe and Eurasia Land Cover Maps (with tree height metrics) for student research, retrieved from the Global Land Cover Viewer, one of the two major online tools, for data analysis, that Year 4 of the Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign is focusing on.
Links to resources shown during the webinar
Focused Online Tools for Data Analysis for Year 4 of the Campaign:
Global Forest Canopy Height Tool and Global Land Cover Viewer Tool
Additional Links
GLOBE European Phenology 2022 Spring Tree Campaign
GLOBE European Phenology 2022 Spring Tree Campaign Padlet
GLOBE European Phenology 2022 Spring Tree Campaign Discussion Forum
Croatia Rugvica Tree Reports Video
GLOBE Elementary K-4 International Project
GLOBE Elementary K-4 International Project Wakelet
Ukraine Student Research Presentation Video from Kovel Young Naturalists Station School
ICESat-2 Orbit App for Android
Land Cover Maps
Land Cover (with Tree Height Statistics) Map for all 126 GLOBE Program countries
Land Cover (with Tree Height Statistics) Map for GLOBE Asia and Pacific Region (19 countries)
Land Cover (with Tree Height Statistics) Map for GLOBE Africa Region (27 countries)
Land Cover (with Tree Height Statistics) Map for GLOBE Europe and Eurasia Region (45 countries)
Land Cover (with Tree Height Statistics) Map for GLOBE North America Region (2 countries)
Tuesday, February 15, 2022 @ 1:00pm EST (6:00pm UTC). Telling our Tree Stories with examples from GLOBE Europe and Eurasia. Region Focus: Europe and Eurasia. Have you ever wondered how precipitation impacts the kinds of trees and the land cover found in different locations? Ever wonder how different regions might be impacted by climate change? During this presentation, Dorian Janney discussed how to join an on-going project to look at the potential impacts of climate change on trees and land cover around the world. Through examples provided by GLOBE Europe and Eurasia campaign participants, Dorian showcased how project participants shared a tree and land cover observation from one location, and how to easily get 20 years of precipitation data for that location from NASA’s Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission. These “Tree Stories” are added to our growing “Telling Our Tree Stories” StoryMap. During this webinar, participants also learned about climate models and how NASA’s Earth science missions are using a variety of Earth observations and ground-based data to build predictive models to help us anticipate how climate change will impact different regions around the world.
Peter Falcon, Lenka Kleger, from the GLOBE Europe and Eurasia Regional Coordination Office, discusses the Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign, European Phenology Campaign, and the importance of taking local observations of tree height, land cover, greenings, and carbon cycle, as well as conducting student research projects. Interviewed by
Links to resources shown during the webinar
Focused Online Tools for Data Analysis for Year 4 of the Campaign:
Global Forest Canopy Height Tool and Global Land Cover Viewer Tool
Additional Links
Telling our Trees Story - Story Map
GLOBE European Phenology 2022 Spring Tree Campaign
NASA Fire Information for Resource Management System (FIRMS)
Satellite Data Record Shows Climate Change's Impact on Forest Fires Article
NASA Earth Observatory: Building a Long-Term Record of Fire
Resource Watch: Monitoring the Planet's Pulse
ICESat-2 Orbit App for Android
Tuesday, January 11, 2022 @ 11:00am EST (4:00pm UTC). Looking at Trees Across Africa with a Special Presentation on the "Unexpectedly Large Count of Trees in the Western African Sahara and Sahel." Region Focus: Africa. This was the second campaign webinar focusing on the GLOBE Africa Region and highlighted the second half of an interview with GLOBE Africa Regional Alumni Coordinator and GLOBE Benin Country Coordinator, Mr. Ylliass Destin Lawani. The featured presentation was presented by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Scientist, Dr. Compton "Jim" Tucker and University of Copenhagen Scientist, Dr. Martin Brandt. Dr. Tucker and Dr. Brandt presented their ground-breaking research focusing on the dryer areas of the globe that do not have forests, which are often discounted for their contribution to the global biome in climate models and other prediction systems. However, their research has shown that over 1.8 billion trees are in the small study area in the West African Sahara and Sahel. Peder Nelson then showcased a featured Collect Earth activity for trees in Africa and discussed the importance of tree location (latitude and longitude) when doing tree research. The webinar was attended by educators, students, and researchers from Argentina, Bangladesh, Benin, Croatia, Denmark, France, Germany, Ghana, India, Italy, Nigeria, Pakistan, Switzerland, and the United States.
Check out the "Unexpectedly Large Count of Trees in the Western African Sahara and Sahel" video from the NASA Scientific Visualization Studio, below.
Links to resources shown during the webinar
Unexpectedly Large Count of Trees in the Western Sahara and Sahel - NASA SVS
Nature web link to Dr. Brandt and Dr. Tucker Research publication
Link to Nature publication pdf by Dr. Brandt and Dr. Tucker
Collect Earth "Labeling Tree Canopy" Activity designed by Peder Nelson
Tuesday, December 7, 2021 @ 1:00pm EST (6:00pm UTC). Looking at the Land Cover and Tree Canopy of the GLOBE Africa Region and the critical need for GLOBE data observations in the Africa Region. Region Focus: Africa. This campaign webinar began our two-month focus on the GLOBE Africa Region. Campaign Lead, Brian Campbell highlighted campaign data metrics, as well as guided participants in a photo characterization activity for Africa land cover and tree height. The webinar introduced a recorded discussion with GLOBE Africa Regional Alumni Coordinator and GLOBE Benin Country Coordinator, Mr. Ylliass Destin Lawani. The webinar focused on the importance of taking land cover and tree height observations across Africa, with a focus on data literacy. GLOBE Partner and GLOBE Observer Land Cover Lead, Peder Nelson, gave us a closer look at the Global Land Cover Viewer and the Global Forest Canopy Height online tool to focus on how to look at current and past land cover and tree height data in the Africa Region. Following the use of these online tools, NASA JPL GLOBE Partner, Peter Falcon, highlighted some useful content from the NASA Eyes on Earth online tool, including Slash and Burn in Africa. The webinar was attended by participants from Argentina, Bangladesh, Colombia, India, Italy, Switzerland, and the United States.
Ylliass Destin Lawani, GLOBE Africa Regional Alumni Coordinator and GLOBE Benin Country Coordinator, discusses the importance of monitoring trees and land cover in the Africa region and the importance of being part of the Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign. In the interview video below,
Links to resources shown during the webinar
Focused Online Tools for Data Analysis for Year 4 of the Campaign:
Global Forest Canopy Height Tool and Global Land Cover Viewer Tool
Additional Links
Tuesday, November 16, 2021 @ 1:00pm EST (6:00pm UTC). Introducing the Trees Around the GLOBE 50 Years of Data Challenge: How has land cover and tree height changed in your location in the last 50 years? Region Focus: Asia and Pacific. This webinar kicked off the main theme for Year 4 of the Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign: “The Trees Around the GLOBE 50 Years of Data Challenge: How has land cover and tree height changed in your location in the last 50 years?” The webinar focused on tree and forest height and land cover data that can be visualized, by region, with a selected group of two online tools: Global Land Analysis & Discovery (GLAD) and the Global Land Cover Viewer (GLCV). During this webinar, the campaign introduced a data research template for students and focused on the GLOBE Asia and Pacific Region. The webinar was attended live by twenty-one unique participants from nine countries: Argentina, Colombia, Croatia, Czech Republic, India, Italy, Pakistan, Switzerland, and the United States.
In the interview video below, Dr. Desh Bandhu, GLOBE Asia and Pacific Regional Coordinator, discusses the importance of monitoring trees and land cover in the Asia and Pacific regions and the importance of being part of the Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign.
Links to resources shown during the webinar
Focused Online Tools for Data Analysis for Year 4 of the Campaign:
Global Forest Canopy Height Tool and Global Land Cover Viewer Tool
Additional Links
My NASA Data Cause and Effect: How do our forests change over time? (A Student Activity)
Landscape Change Monitoring System (LCMS) Data Explorer
Tuesday, October 19, 2021 @ 11:00am EST (3:00pm UTC, 8:30pm IST). A Himalayan Expedition with GISN Member, Yashraj Patil: Looking at the GLOBE Program’s First High Altitude GLOBE Land Cover, Cloud, and Hydrosphere Data. Region Focus: Asia and Pacific. Our featured speaker, GISM Member, Yashraj Patil ,guided us through his on-site research using GLOBE protocols, in the Himalayas, specifically Ladakh, India. Featured were his observations of land cover, cloud cover, salinity, and pH in areas such as the Saboo Cloudburst Site, Indus-Yarlung Suture Zone, Tso Kar Ramsar Site, and the Puga Geothermal System Site. Through this research, Yashraj compared his data on the ground, to data from missions like Landsat, CloudSat, and Meteosat-8. This webinar served as a catalyst for others to take local environmental observations and compare them to space-based data. The webinar also hosted a discussion on how we might be able to form collaborations of GLOBE students with the lifelong learner community. The webinar was attended live by twenty-six unique visitors from ten countries: Argentina, Colombia, Czech Republic, India, Italy, Pakistan, Poland, Slovakia, Switzerland, and the United States.
Link to resources shown during the webinar
Featured Himalayan Expedition Story Map
Focused Online Tools for Data Analysis for Year 4 of the Campaign:
Global Forest Canopy Height Tool and Global Land Cover Viewer Tool
Additional Links
9 Things about Landsat 9 video
Climate Change Resources Story Map
1984 - 2021 Surface Water Dynamics based on Landsat data
Lifelong Learners video with Dorian Janney