Um alhakam bint alzubair pasic school - Um alhakam bint alzubair pasic school
School / Data Site Locations
GLOBE Educators
SCHOOL at a Glance

- 25 Students
- 1 Educator
- 0 Pre-service Teachers
- 0 GLOBE Observers
- 2765 Data Entries
- 1 Honor Roll
School Badges
2024 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium
دراسة تأثيرالحرارة والرطوبة على نمو شجرة اللبان في منطقة المزارع بولاية قريات
School Badges
About the School
2023 GLOBE International Virtual Science SymposiumA study of the drinking water of Wadi Dayqah Dam Lake after the disappearance of white algae
دراسة صلاحية شرب ماء بحيرة سد وادي ضيقة بعد اختفاء الطحالب البيضاء
Studying the validity of the soil of the village area in Qurayyat for mango cultivation
A study of the drinking water of Wadi Dayqah Dam Lake after the disappearance of white algae
Investigation of Temperature Humidity Index On Ommatissus Binotatus Lybicus in Date Palms Farms of Jazir.
Investigation of Temperature Humidity Index On Ommatissus Binotatus Lybicus in Date Palms Farms of Jazir.
Study the causes of low agricultural crops and corruption of some palm fruits in Al-Mazara
White Algae disappearing & Effects on The Properties of Quraiyat Falajes
Study the causes of low agricultural crops and the corruption of some palm fruits in the towns of Al-Seih and Al-Jazeer in Al-Mazara
White Algae Causes & Effects on The Properties of Quraiyat Falajes
A survey on Capparis Spinosa Tree and The Challenges Facing Its Sustainability in Qurayyat
Study of Mango Trees Non-flowering Reasons in Al-Qarya Area of Al-Mazarei, Qurayat