UNGA 2022

United Nations General Assembly Science Summit 2022

The 77th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) Science Summit was held on 13-30 September 2022. The central theme of the conference was the role and contribution science plays in attaining the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The objective of the meeting was to develop and launch science collaboration efforts, demonstrating global science mechanisms and creating activities to support the attainment of the UN SDGs, Agenda 2030 and Local2030. The Summit brought together thought leaders, scientists, technologists, innovators, policymakers, decision-makers, regulators, financiers, philanthropists, journalists, editors and community leaders to increase health science awareness and catalyze citizen science collaboration across a broad spectrum of themes.


Fostering the Next Generation of STEM Professionals and Science Diplomacy: "The GLOBE Program – an international science and education program that fosters the next generation of STEM professionals and environmental science diplomacy"

During one of the Summit sessions, GLOBE panelists gave a presentation on how The GLOBE Program works to support the UN SDGs within their own communities. During the session, participants learned about GLOBE, how it aligns with SDGs and possible strategies that support their implementation. One panelist from each from the six GLOBE regions presented the story of GLOBE in their own country, its implementation and how the program was helping to meet their country's SDGs. During their presentations, they cited specific case studies to illustrate this work and any results from these efforts.

UNGA Science Summit 2022 GLOBE Presentation Details

Date: September 15, 2022

Moderators: U.S. GLOBE Partners Larisa Schelkin and Michael Jabot

Introduction to The GLOBE Program: Dr. Tony P. Murphy, GLOBE Implementation Office (GIO) Director

Regional GLOBE Representatives:

  • Africa: Ngosse Fall Bousso, Senegal
  • Asia and Pacific: Yupaporn Laplai, Thailand
  • Europe and Eurasia: Ela WoÅ‚oszyÅ„ska-WiÅ›niewska, Poland
  • Latin America and Caribbean: Marta Kingsland, Argentina
  • Near East and North Africa Region: Nadhira Ahmed Alharthy, Oman
  • North America: Kevin Czajkowski, U.S.

UNGA Science Summit 2022 GLOBE Presentation Recording


UNGA Science Summit Template

In order to aid GLOBE community members in presenting how SDGs are being met in their own countries, The GLOBE Implementation Office (GIO) collaborated with its regional representatives to develop the UNGA Science Summit Template. If you plan to make a presentation about SDGs and GLOBE in your country, please email the GLOBE International Coordinator for a copy of the template. Along with the template request, please include details on the presentation you are creating with the template.

Note: There is placeholder information on a few of the template slides that must be updated to reflect the specific country's SDGs presentation. For more information about which information should be replaced, check out the "Notes" section of the relevant slides.