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Teacher P.D. Webinar: Asking Research Questions

These webinars are pre-recorded.  See other webinars in this series by visiting the GLOBE US Regional Student Research Symposia teacher resources page

Having students develop a GLOBE project can be daunting, especially for those new to field investigations or carrying out research independently for the first time. Developing a narrow, interesting and doable (with the equipment on hand and in the time allotted) research question is the first step. Often, students attempt to solve the world’s problems with a complex question that cannot be answered within the time constraints of a typical school day.  

This 'Asking Research Questions' webinar with Dr. Mike Jabot was held November 14th, 2017.  

Webinar FAQ:

Q: Some students cannot come up with any questions. Are there strategies for engaging students in question formulation process? 

Dr. Mike Jabot: Use the Q-focus in the Question Formulation Technique. This uses phenomenon to stimulate question generation. For ideas, check out NGSS phenomena.  

Q: How do we help students figure out what an appropriate experiment would be based on time, funding, level, and equipment constraints? 

Dr. Mike Jabot: Don't constrain their questions at first. Work with students to make this realization themselves. Once they have identified things that are out of their realm, they can work towards narrowing their questions. 

RememberYou do not need "big" questions to attend SRS. Narrow, focused, even descriptive, questions make very strong SRS presentations. 

Other webinar resources are listed at the end of the page. 



In this webinar from Spring of 2017, Dr. Mike Jabot from the State University of New York at Fredonia reviews the Question Formulation Technique from the Right Question Institute.  

In this webinar from 2016, Dr. Kevin Czajkowski will help participants develop grade-appropriate research questions and discuss ways to incorporate narrower but more frequent field investigations throughout the school year.


Resources links from the webinar:

Watch Dr. Mike Jabot's Nov 2017 and Feb 2017 webinars on youtube.

Watch Dr. Kevin Czajkowski's webinar on youtube.


Event Topics: Science Symposia and Fairs type: globe-events

Events origin: United States of America
