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2022 U.S. GLOBE Student Research Symposia summary

The Student Research Symposia (SRS), as most things, have had an abnormal couple of years due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The 2020 SRS was canceled, and there were no symposia scheduled in 2021. In 2022, the decision was made to cancel the in-person Regional SRS. However, with support from NASA (Grant no. 80NSSC18K0135) and Youth Learning As Citizen Environmental Scientists (YLACES), the GLOBE U.S. Coordination Office supported seven in-person local SRS.

Our partners reported that 212 students presented a total of sixty-eight projects to their peers and STEM professional reviewers between 22 April 2022 (Earth Day) and 23 May 2022. Each symposium was unique in location, length, time of day, and agenda. The common thread was students were actively engaged in the process of science: asking questions, conducting research, presenting results, and participating in scientific discourse.

Below are brief summaries about all the symposia and links to individual stories.

22 April 2022—University of Alaska Fairbanks, AKstudents present their research at a student research symposium

Sixty-seven students from nineteen schools/youth groups gathered in Fairbanks on Earth Day for the first GLOBE symposium held in Alaska. Students presented twenty-five research projects and participated in GLOBE activities throughout the day. Read more about their event.

25 April 2022—St. Peter’s School, Mansfield, OH

At St. Peter’s School, seven students presented three projects. Read more here.

30 April 2022—Mescalero Apache School, Mescalero, NM

At Mescalero Apache School, ten students participated with five students presenting research in three topic areas. Fifty students from Zia Middle School (Las Cruces, NM) were unable to attend in person but sent PowerPoint slides for review. Read more here.

5 May 2022—Chabot Space and Science Center, Oakland, CA

At Chabot Space and Science Center, thirty-three students from four schools presented six projects. Read more here.

7 May 2022—Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve, Watsonville, CA

At Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve, twenty-one students from seven schools presented five projects. Read more here. 

11 May 2022—Kenner Discovery Health Sciences Academy, Kenner, LA

At Kenner Discovery Health Sciences Academy, twenty-seven students from three schools presented twelve projects. Read more here.

23 May 2022—Toledo Zoo & Aquarium, Toledo, OH

At the Toledo Zoo & Aquarium, forty-seven students from two schools presented fifteen projects. Read more here

Acknowledgement: The 2022 SRS was based upon work supported by NASA Grant no. 80NSSC18K0135 and Youth Learning As Citizen Environmental Scientists (YLACES). Any opinion, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of NASA or YLACES.

Images (top to bottom): Students present their research at the Mescalero Apache School SRS; student researchers with a reviewer at the Elkhorn Slough Reserve SRS.

Student Research Reports: U.S. Student Research Symposia (SRS)

News origin: United States of America
