News - United States of America
SEES Internship Piqued STEM Interest for GLOBE Student Tyree Gillespie-Williams
The GLOBE U.S. Coordination Office recently interviewed GLOBE student Tyree Gillespie-Williams, who spent the 2023 summer interning with the STEM Enhancement in Earth Science (SEES) summer internship program.
Tyree: My name is Tyree Gillespie-Williams. I was a
SEES intern for the 2023 summer and I was part of the Artemis Roads
project. Artemis Roads was mainly planning for moon missions,
specifically on the Shackleton Crater to find water resources and ice
on the moon's South Pole.
U.S. GLOBE: What was the pre-work like?
Tyree: I didn't find the pre-work to be hard or challenging or anything like that. As a matter of fact, I found it very interesting. I really enjoyed doing the pre-work and just being able to take some time out of my day to learn more about SEES and the materials that we would need before heading to Texas. It was very enjoyable.
U.S. GLOBE: What was a “day in the life” of a SEES intern?
Tyree: Typically in a day of a SEES intern, you get up in the morning, talk with your roommate, eat breakfast, socialize with a lot of the other interns, get to know them. And then we would head to the Center for Space Research and we would work on our projects together most days. On occasion we would do some really fun activities such as going to Six Flags or going out to eat and bonding with your mentor. It was very enjoyable.
U.S. GLOBE: What advice do you have for prospective SEES interns?
Tyree: Some advice would be socially, just putting yourself out there and interacting with the people around you, your peers, your fellow interns. That was hands down my favorite part, was just being able to interact with people from all over the country, and I really enjoyed meeting every single one of them. So being able to put yourself out there, lending an arm, and interacting with not only your fellow peers but also mentors, it was really enjoyable.
U.S. GLOBE: Did the SEES experience influence your career path?
Tyree: Yes, because going into high school, really just growing up in general, I didn't really have a concrete idea of what I wanted to do career-wise. My experience at SEES definitely helped pique my interest in STEM. And I now know going into college and continuing on with life that I want to focus on STEM. I want a career in STEM because it's something that I find extremely interesting and SEES helped so much with that.
Learn more about the SEES Program and how GLOBE students can apply.
Photo caption: Tyree Gillespie-Williams having fun at the SEES internship
News origin: United States of America