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Students Share Research at U.S. GLOBE Student Research Symposia

In April and May 2024, middle and high school students from around the United States came together at five GLOBE U.S. Regional Student Research Symposia (SRS) to share the results of research they conducted in their local communities. They used GLOBE protocols and data in their research and prepared posters to share their results with their peers and STEM professionals.

In total, 430 people (educators, STEM professionals, students and others) attended the 2024 SRS, including 264 students who presented 95 projects.

Aside from their presentations, students participated in a variety of science activities. Many practiced GLOBE protocols, listened to scientists talk about their research and careers, explored the local environment, and learned about programs of study at the hosting locations.

Following are summaries about each symposium and links to individual stories with more details.

5-6 April: Southeast SRS, INFINITY Science Center, Pearlington, Mississippi

Nineteen student scientists gathered at the Southeast SRS. The students traveled to the symposium with educators and chaperones from Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi to present five research projects.

3-4 May: Southwest SRS, All Saints’ Episcopal School, Fort Worth, Texas

Fifty-three GLOBE students and seven educators traveled from Kansas, New Mexico and Texas to attend the Southwest SRS where they presented 15 posters.

3-4 May: Northeast/Mid-Atlantic SRS, Berks Nature, Reading, Pennsylvania

Sixty-four students from nine schools attended the Northeast/Mid-Atlantic SRS where they presented 19 posters.

6-8 May: Midwest SRS, Toledo Zoo and Aquarium, Toledo, Ohio

Seventy-two students from four states (Indiana, Michigan, Ohio and Wisconsin) participated in the Midwest SRS where they presented 35 posters.

10-11 May: Pacific and Northwest SRS, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California

Fifty-six students from Alaska, California and Montana came together for the Pacific/Northwest SRS where they presented 21 posters.

Acknowledgement: This material is based upon work supported by NASA (Grant and Cooperative Agreement No. NNX17AD75A) and Youth Learning As Citizen Environmental Scientists. Any opinion, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of NASA or Youth Learning As Citizen Environmental Scientists.

News origin: United States of America
