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News from GLOBE Mission EARTH—June 2023

GLOBE Kids Club

GLOBE Mission EARTH wrapped up its third year of hosting the virtual six-week science enrichment program for 3rd-5th graders called GLOBE Kids Club. Each spring, we host this program during the months of April and May. This year, we far exceeded our enrollment from the past two years!

In the GLOBE Kids Club, students learn about clouds, sky color & visibility, budburst and trees. They receive a Kids Club Toolkit from us and use it to collect observations about their environment using GLOBE protocols. They record their observations in their science notebook and then share their drawings and data with us during our virtual meetings.

Images from this year’s Kids Club

Monroe Water Festival (Michigan)

This daylong festival, held annually for 5th and 6th grade students living in Monroe County, Michigan, provides hands-on activities for students to learn about the local environment. About 275 schoolchildren attended presentations held by environmental experts hosted by the River Raisin Institute. This free program helped students learn about the importance of water and environmental issues impacting the Laker Erie region. Hands-on presentations are designed to educate children about clean, fresh water, pollution prevention and sustainability concepts, all while utilizing the award-winning IHM Sisters green campus as a living laboratory.

The Lake Erie Water Festival is supported by the Monroe County Environmental Fund. This event is part of a larger initiative to promote youth water education across the state.

Organizations attending and hosting stations were: Monroe Conservation District, Huron-Clinton Metroparks, University of Toledo, University of Michigan-Dearborn Environmental Interpretive Center, Wild Birds Unlimited of Woodhaven, St. Mary Organic Farm, Detroit River International Wildlife Refuge, Bird Center of Michigan, Michigan Nature Association/Michigan Vernal Pools Partnership, River Raisin Watershed Council, Fluid Equipment Development Co., Monroe County Museum System and Ohio State University Stone Laboratory/Ohio Sea Grant.

University of Toledo presenters included Dr.Kevin Czajkowski, PI of GLOBE Mission EARTH, and GME staff members Sara Mierzwiak, Yitong Jiang and Farrokh Namjooyan. At our GLOBE tent, students learned to collect atmosphere and hydrosphere data.

Water Festival photo album

News origin: United States of America
