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Caydence Palmer Finds SEES Internship “Incredibly Rewarding”

The GLOBE U.S. Coordination Office recently interviewed GLOBE student Caydence Palmer, who spent the 2022 summer interning with the STEM Enhancement in Earth Science (SEES) summer internship program. 

Caydence: My name is Caydence Palmer and I was a SEES intern for the 2022 summer. 

U.S. GLOBE: What was the pre-work like? 

Caydence: Well, the pre-work we had was basically online. It was in a Google Classroom. They would give us a notice like two weeks before our program, so we were given enough time to understand what we were going to learn, so we were caught up on what we needed to know. And then when we got there, we understood what we needed to do so we could get into the working zone. 

U.S. GLOBE: What is a typical day for a SEES intern? 

Caydence: Well, a typical day would involve attending lectures and workshops on various topics related to air quality or any other type of topic. NASA involves the Earth and also planets, so there's not like anything you cannot be interested in. So what we do is, we conduct research and collect and analyze data and collaborate with other participants on group projects.  

The collaborative work, it was an opportunity to build unique bonds with fellow students and to learn from their diverse perspectives and backgrounds. So I made a lot of cool friends while I was attending this internship. 

U.S. GLOBE: What advice do you have for SEES applicants? 

Caydence: My advice would be to stay organized, manage your time efficiently, and be proactive in seeking out opportunities to learn and contribute to the program. Also, take advantage of the resources and support available through the program. The SEES community provides a safe and welcoming environment for students from all backgrounds. 

Finally, I would recommend that students take advantage of like just networking and opportunities and seeking out mentors and role models who can provide guidance and support as they navigate their academic and professional journeys. 

U.S. GLOBE: Did the SEES internship influence your career path? 

Caydence: Well, actually it has sparked my interest in mechanical engineering because that's something I wanted to do when I was small. But I didn't think I could do it because it's mainly men in that population and also because you hardly hear about Native Americans succeeding in like STEM type stuff. So I thought it was impossible until I went to SEES and I was encouraged by so many friends. And now I want to gain my PhD in mechanical engineering and come back to my reservation and run for president and help my people the best I can. So yeah, SEES has definitely helped me a lot. 

U.S. GLOBE: Any other thoughts on your SEES experience? 

Caydence: Overall, the SEES experience I had was incredibly rewarding and eye opening. It provided me with the unique opportunity to work alongside talented scientists and engineers and to gain a deeper appreciation for the important work that NASA is doing to address pressing environmental challenges as well.  

Thank you from the bottom of my heart from making me think that I was so little to being so big. This month, too, I was put onto a magazine for Native American's succeeding, and I'm the only high school student in it. 

Learn more about the SEES Program and how GLOBE students can apply

News origin: United States of America
