News - United States of America
Fourth Annual Student Research Symposia a Success

In 2019, with support from a grant from the NASA (Grant No. 80NSSC18K0135) and Youth Learning As Citizen Environmental Scientists (YLACES), students from across the United States had the opportunity to come together at one of six face-to-face regional Student Research Symposia (SRS) to share the results of field investigations using GLOBE protocols.
At the 2019 regional SRS, 261 students presented a total of 114 GLOBE research projects to their peers and local scientists. These students, along with 66 GLOBE teachers, represented 26 different U.S. states/territories. States new to the SRS this year included Maine, Rhode Island, Virginia, and Washington. This year, greater emphasis and support was given for uploading data and projects to the GLOBE website. Forty-four schools uploaded their data to the GLOBE website (up from 13 last year!), and 33 SRS projects have been uploaded to Student Research Reports, under the new SRS tag.

During the SRS, students shared their research with one another (peer review) and to scientists and other professionals for evaluation. Through this experience, students received feedback on their research and were able to explore STEM careers. Participants also heard keynotes from local scientists and community members, experienced local tours (e.g., White Sands National Park) and hands-on science activities (e.g, kite flying, GLOBEcaching, augmented reality games, and a mini college fair).

While the reviewers spoke with the students about their projects, teachers participated in professional development, including GLOBE Carbon Cycle, Urban Heat Island Effect, and A Community Approach to Engaging Students and Water.
Thirty-two GLOBE Partners (representing 20 partnerships), four GIO/SSAI representatives, and scientists from many organizations (including NASA, NOAA, YLACES, and the U.S. Forest Service), assisted in making the events a success.
Images from the top: Poster Session at the Pacific SRS, Peer Review at the Northeast/Mid-Atlantic SRS, Congresswoman Xochiti Torres-Small with SRS host Nate Raynor and U.S. GLOBE Country Coordinator Jen Bourgeault at the Southwest SRS.
type: globe-newsNews origin: United States of America